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Hey I’m new to these forums (obviously), and I’ll be pretty much pouring my heart out about a story you guys have heard all to often (that's good, so then you'll know what to say to me), it's my last year at high school, (And this is my first year at this new high school) and I find this one girl really attractive, every time she's near me I just can't help gazing at her (she usually catch's me and I pretend I was'nt looking, but who am I kidding half the year 12 level already knows I got a huge crush on her), I think she is one of the most stunning girls I have ever seen. The only problem is I’m finding it very difficult to start a conversation with her because she is not in any of my class's, and I don't have to many friends (cause it's my first year at this school) and the friends I do have don't seem to talk to her, which makes it really hard for me to start talking to her. She is going out with this guy though, his features are very similar to mine, his tall (I’m taller) I’m dark (his darker) my hair's curly, his hair is curly and frizzy, and personally I just think I am a better looking person than he is, but he has a few things on his side that I don't. One is that his been at the school from day one so everybody knows him, and 2 the girl I like is a smoker, and he grows weed at his house, so I’m sure she gets his supply from him which is one of the reasons she is attracted to him (and no i am not going to start smoking because of her). Any way I’m not sure if I should just walk up to her at her locker and start talking to her (cause if I did I know I’d be sweating bullets), but I really would just like to start talking to her, and once that has been done I think the rest writes it self.



Any advice would be very handy, Cheers.



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You described her boyfriend rather well, Ramses! Except you didn't point out whether or not he was actually BIGGER than you.


Good looks aside, hitting on another guy's girl could get you pummeled if you're not careful..and certainly isn't a recommended strategy if you're looking to fit in, particularly in a new school. ;)


But I suppose where there is no risk, there is no gain. So let the better man win!...LOL


I think your best bet is to work up the nerve to start talking to her. Just walk up and introduce yourself. Ask her about herself and try to establish a friendship first and foremost. You'll want to get to know a little something about her besides the superficial. After all, you might find the two of you have absolutely nothing in common besides mutual attraction. Particularly if she hangs with a crowd you already know you wouldn't mesh with. I'd hate to see you change who *you* are just to impress a pretty face.


Other than that, just be yourself. If it isn't good enough, than she isn't worth the effort to begin with.

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Originally posted by EnigmaXOXO

You described her boyfriend rather well, Ramses! Except you didn't point out whether or not he was actually BIGGER than you.


Good looks aside, hitting on another guy's girl could get you pummeled if you're not careful..and certainly isn't a recommended strategy if you're looking to fit in, particularly in a new school. ;)


But I suppose where there is no risk, there is no gain. So let the better man win!...LOL


I think your best bet is to work up the nerve to start talking to her. Just walk up and introduce yourself. Ask her about herself and try to establish a friendship first and foremost. You'll want to get to know a little something about her besides the superficial. After all, you might find the two of you have absolutely nothing in common besides mutual attraction. Particularly if she hangs with a crowd you already know you wouldn't mesh with. I'd hate to see you change who *you* are just to impress a pretty face.


Other than that, just be yourself. If it isn't good enough, than she isn't worth the effort to begin with.



His skinny i'm chubby so i think that makes me bigger, but what does that have to do with anything? And don't forget i only have 3 more weeks left at this new school so does it really matter if i screw what reputation i have gained? I'm not worried about him attacking me cause his not really the type, i always see other guys talking to her and he does'nt seem to mind, and walking up to her and introducing myself, does'nt that seem a bit geeky? Cause there are times where i have caught her staring at me and i just feel like walking up to her and saying "what is your problem?", you think that would get a good conversation happening or would she hate me for it?

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Cause there are times where i have caught her staring at me and i just feel like walking up to her and saying "what is your problem?", you think that would get a good conversation happening or would she hate me for it?


Ramsus...you're absolutely hopeless! :eek:


I don't know what qualifies as "geeky" anymore. It's been quite a few years since high school for me. But unless someone finds the stones to walk up to someone, you'll just spend the next three weeks staring at each other in the hallways.


Maybe she's gawking at you because you're gawking at her...and wondering "what's his problem?" But you'll never know unless you find the courage to ask. So, what do you have to loose if your not worried about what anyone thinks?


Only three weeks...and the clock is ticking! ;)

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Originally posted by EnigmaXOXO

Ramsus...you're absolutely hopeless! :eek:


I don't know what qualifies as "geeky" anymore. It's been quite a few years since high school for me. But unless someone finds the stones to walk up to someone, you'll just spend the next three weeks staring at each other in the hallways.


Maybe she's gawking at you because you're gawking at her...and wondering "what's his problem?" But you'll never know unless you find the courage to ask. So, what do you have to loose if your not worried about what anyone thinks?


Only three weeks...and the clock is ticking! ;)



Well ok, we go back on Monday hopefully i'll see her then, but i just don't know if i should just go up to her and introduce myself (like you said she may not even like me) Oh yeah and another thing when we had our exams (which was done in a very large hall with over 60 students) she was setting a few rows in front and turned around and looked at me a few times but i was'nt looking at her i just catch her in the corner of my eye, what does that mean?


Also are you a man or woman?

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she was setting a few rows in front and turned around and looked at me a few times but i was'nt looking at her i just catch her in the corner of my eye, what does that mean?


Don't know what it means.


But the next time she looks your way, instead of getting nervous and diverting your attention away, why not look at her right back, smile and nod a "hello" or something? If she doesn't respond or pretends she didn't see you, you really haven't lost anything. If she smiles back, you can walk up and introduce yourself later when you leave class. Ask her something like: "So how do you think you did on the exam?"...Or something to that nature.


Best to always ask someone you're interested in about "them" rather than talking yourself up too much (unless they ask of course.) This will show you're genuinely interested in getting to know them. Once you have established a repertoire, and begin to talk with one another comfortably, perhaps it will be easier for you to work up the courage to ask her out.


Good Luck on Monday!

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