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BWF: When does an hourly companion become a friend?

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No flames or anything. I have an arrangement with a young lady from a local college. She does her thing for me, I provide a little educational stipend. Her thing doesn't involve touching. Or didn't. I can tell she's not a highly experienced professional courtesan.


Her presentation originally consisted of disrobing and pleasuring herself at the direction of her audience, who are allowed to do whatever they want without touching.


Our last session involved lots of clothed chatting, lots of giggling (not on my part), and to my surprise a certain quantity of snuggling and kissing ending up in a mutually enjoyable, non-penetrative culmination. Followed by a very long period of under the covers snuggling and most enjoyable conversation. I have a degree (one of many) in a field related to hers, and she enjoys chatting about that and other things. She seemed actually reluctant to leave. She's very smart, well spoken, perceptive. I have a few miscellaneous degress, lots of experience, and am reasonably perceptive. So we appear to get along nicely.


Oddly, the part where there's sexual content involved seems a bit strained (it is, I must say, odd and completely unprecedented in my personal experience). Whereas the conversational part is very easy. I get the impression that we mutually enjoy talking with each other. She stayed much much longer than reasonable considering the formal terms of our "arrangement."


So I'm looking at this "benefits" situation swinging closer to the "friendship" end of things. Which is slightly unnerving. Anyone have any experience with this?


I'm not particularly interested in a "relationship" with this young lady, but I do enjoy chatting with her. People in my particular cohort aren't generally very open or interesting, with some exceptions. Too many of them act "old" instead of still looking forward to each day and the remaining challenges of life.


I'm not at all sure a BWF works. However, I'm tempted to offer to take her to lunch sometime. Just a chat without the benefits part. I can't tell if that's a reasonable request or not. I suppose I'll engage her services in a couple of weeks and see how that goes. If she's still engaging and hangs around a long time I can inquire about an occasional meeting involving chat rather than private time.


Any experience along these lines? It's a bit odd, I'll give you that. She doesn't act like the usual 20 year old I run into in my business, and I constantly have people surprised that I'm in my 50s. So maybe it's not as large a functional gap as it looks.


Frankly, I'd rather find a lively friend than have benefits by the hour.

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She's your "friend" when she stops taking money for services rendered.


If she wants to chat and snuggle and you enjoy that - keep it off the clock and after she's done her job.


You're blurring the lines man!

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lots of giggling (not on my part)


okay, that just made me smile picturing a grown man admitting this! :D


the part where there's sexual content involved seems a bit strained


seems like y'all are striking up a relationship other than one that involves sex – getting to really know each other as people, if you will – so yeah, that would make the sex part a bit icky at this point.


talk to her to see if she wants to be friends instead of a paid companion. She might surprise you by agreeing, but you've also got to take into consideration that if this is how y'all met, chances are, she may be a paid companion for others ... and you need to figure out how that's going to play into a friendship.

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She'll agree to pretty much anything, as long as you continue to pay for it. Friendship included.


If you cut off the pay though, don't expect her to stick around. She'll be needing to replace you with another paying client.

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Oh, she has other paying clients. That doesn't bother me.


It's an interesting situation. I'll let it gel a while. She needed some other services I can provide and I've offered them in a non-motel-room setting, will see how that goes over.

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