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I love him, But my Dad won't stop frustrating the Heck out of me!!

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I know I know, They say: love your loved ones while they're here, because someday they wont be here.


But i'm just bugging out.


I'm 25, my dad is 50, he never remarried after my mom(24 years ago) but has been on good terms with her sort of like really good friends, she remarried a few times til she found the right one ,has a new life and just recently moved away with my half sisters to NYC.


My dad doesn't have a lot of friends, doesn't have any hobbies, has always had a weight problem, he's on medication for high blood pressure and for diabetes, he's always had an alcohol problem, ( i don't think he ever got over my mom leaving him due to his drinking)


hE hasn't really dated in the past 24 years, but he's always a good spirit, not good with confrontation but has always been good to me. He's always supported me in my life the best he could. He's not a dead beat dad. He's never been the most affectionate guy(his parents werent a very kiss and hug family) Blah Blah Blah.


He's a good guy, but my problem is, I live with my girl now, mom's moved away, don't have much family out here other than my Dad who lives an hour away. He calls me everyday and wants to do stuff every weekend, he still treats me like i'm 14 and it just bugs me. I like hanging out with my dad, he's a funny , great guy. But all he ever wants to do is sit and watch TV.


He's lazy because of his weight. I find myself driving an hour to see him only to sit and watch football. He even canceled on me once when he was going to drive up to see me so we could hang out, because he wanted to watch the football game and was too lazy to come up. He also won't stop reminding me about how he hates where i live because there's so many stairs to get to the door(it's one flight).


I don't know what to do, if i tell him i'm too busy, he gets down and depressed and drinks. Sometimes i'll call him on the weekend and he's drunk in the middle of the day. I wish he would change stuff about himself, but he's so set in his ways, i don't think it's possible.


I wish he'd find a woman or get over my mom or go out more with the friends he does have. He keeps making excuses to cheat on his diet or drink or whatever. Basically, he's unhappy. And i know i shouldn't feel bad, but i do.


I don't know how to tell him he needs to change and sort of let me do my thing without him getting depressed and drinking a whole bottle of wine or a 12 pack of beer. It's horrible, but sometimes i just don't wan to call him back if he calls and leaves a message. It shouldn't be that way.

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Have you sat down with him and had a talk about how his drinking makes you feel?

Maybe he should consider AA meetings.

Hes getting older and the alcohol will do more damage to him,since he has high blood pressure and diabetes.

As far as him traveling to see you he might feel uncomfortable with traveling long distances because his medication schedule.

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