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Have you been rejected?

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Have you ever been rejected by somone you asked out?

If So...

- How did you feel? (like did you take it well, or hard? Were you really emotionally hurt for long period or short period?, ect..)


- How did it have in impact in your life at that time? (like did it change the way you viewed yourself at that time, or change your thought about asking other people out in the future because of the fear of being rejected agian?, ect...)


Im sure that for some people its no big deal being rejected, but for others its a really hard experience, especially when they really like someone alot, and Id like to read any experiences, mostly on how you felt, more than the story. Thanks

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You have to stop worrying about how it feels to be rejected.


It is not an insult to be rejected. Its just a womans way of letting you know she instinctively knows it will not work out and she is doing you a favour by not stringing you along only to hurt you later.


For some reason women know these things straight away. You are either a possibility in their eyes or you aren't.


My mother, my sister and I have completely different taste in men. We hardly ever agree. It would be very difficult to find a woman to have a relationship with if all women were attracted to the same kind of man.


Don't give up. Its not like women all have a communications network to spread the word that they rejected Fodie :)


You will be the only one who knows how many rejected you but you will be very lonley indeed if you gave up trying.


Just remember it only takes one to say yes.


Good luck

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I should of stated ealier, but its not about me or any situation im in, but Im just really curious because its one of those things that no one ever talks about.

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Originally posted by Fodie

Have you ever been rejected by somone you asked out?




I think everyone in ones life time has in some way, shape, or form has been rejected by someone whom has asked you out, or in fact you asked them out.. It's part of the whole learning experience.. Sometimes it's hard to accept what's been faced upon you.. but as the slogan goes:: Life does eventually go on!!!! ;)

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:mad: it feels pretty bad,but at the end of the day youll look back and say oh well.

then there the rejection that pisses me off.VISA.


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Michael Westies

Yeah I have - it hurts quite a bit. I have never experienced a breakup because I haven't had a gf. My question is how worse is a breakup compared to a rejection?

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I remember when I was in school I got rejected pretty often like 2 or 3 times. Still had plenty of friends though. It was During High School. Only because I was known to be the quiet shy one. Well thats what I got told a couple of years later running into the same group of guys. Who I spoke too just too be friendly but I wasn't particularly nice to them either. I know what it feels like and it's not a nice feeling. I guess it hurts you for like a couple of days. Even for a couple of weeks. Depending on how much you like the person.


Now that I am in my 20s I am a little more out going and I get told I am pretty and attractive by a lot of people. I'm still not used to those type of compliments but it's nice to hear. My teen years sucked but I am loving it now. Even though I am still single. I have been in a few relationships. Even had a fling or two. Hopefully I'll find someone that's worth being with soon.


I do think that break ups are worse then getting rejected because sometimes you get your heart broken if you are the one that's getting dumped. It happened to me for the first time this year. I hated it. It takes longer too get over too. You eventually do but.

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