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How do you go about this?

one goal

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...once again asked her if she wanted to go hangout or something next week, and she just rolled her eyes a little bit...


I dont get it I was nice and all, why wont she call me or agree to a date?


SHE'S NOT F*****G INTERESTED! :rolleyes: Seriously, dude, any interest she had at any point is now 0-5% Move on or she will get you thrown out eventually. I swear this post has to be a troll. There's no way somebody is this dense.

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Island Girl
I wanna go out with her though and she hasn't called back:mad:


YOU may want to go out with her but SHE does not want to go out with YOU.


I said I was free next week springbreak and once again asked her if she wanted to go hangout or something next week, and she just rolled her eyes a little bit, didnt really have an expression.


That means she is getting frustrated that you do not get the idea that she does not want to go out with you.


If she did, she would have called.


She doesn't.


She said she works another job also, I wont say where at though.


Because she doesn't want you to show up there and bug her at that job too.


I dont get it I was nice and all, why wont she call me or agree to a date?


Sometimes people are not interested.


You can be nice.


You can be great looking.


You can have a fantastic personality.


And sometimes a girl still will not be interested.


This girl is NOT INTERESTED in you.


Stop trying. Seriously STOP.


She is not interested and she won't be. You can not turn this situation around.


Find another girl.

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I bet she wishes she would have lied and said she had a bf at the beginning of this ordeal. Sucks to be the next guy to come along that might not be so creepy and now will get a quick brush off along those lines. :rolleyes:

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Tonight before the game I talked to her again. Just asked her about what shes going to school for since we talked about that on Tue night when i gave her my #. She said nursing, Law enforcement, or medical examiner. I found the medical examiner interesting. I wonder if she was pulling my leg to try and creep me out. I said I was free next week springbreak and once again asked her if she wanted to go hangout or something next week, and she just rolled her eyes a little bit, didnt really have an expression. She said she works another job also, I wont say where at though.


I dont get it I was nice and all, why wont she call me or agree to a date?

OK, onegoal... a specific question, and I request a direct answer: Do you understand that she is not interested in a date or hanging out with you in any way?

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YOU may want to go out with her but SHE does not want to go out with YOU.




That means she is getting frustrated that you do not get the idea that she does not want to go out with you.


If she did, she would have called.


She doesn't.




Because she doesn't want you to show up there and bug her at that job too.




Sometimes people are not interested.


You can be nice.


You can be great looking.


You can have a fantastic personality.


And sometimes a girl still will not be interested.


This girl is NOT INTERESTED in you.


Stop trying. Seriously STOP.


She is not interested and she won't be. You can not turn this situation around.


Find another girl.


I mean she did tell me where she works, but I didn't want to post it on the forum.

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Island Girl
I mean she did tell me where she works, but I didn't want to post it on the forum.


It doesn't make any difference.


She doesn't want to go out with you.


If she wanted to go out with you she would have called you.


She doesn't want to go out with you.


Find somebody else to talk to. Find somebody else to ask out.

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good lord, onegoal... you need to have your head checked. How many times can people here all tell you the same thing and you still not seem to get it? What's the point of even asking?

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She's not calling because she's playing hard to get. She's obviously interested in you as she told you where she works at her other job. You should go and visit her, why else would she tell you where she works at her other job. It so you can drop in and say hi. Sounds like she's testing you to see if your really interested in her. Go for it!

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OneGoal, please ignore the previous post from Sid3, they obviously haven't read the rest of the thread. I stopped posting advice because you obviously weren't listening properly (and I was scared of posting), or you just are not getting what people are trying to tell you.


She isn't interested and I think you are probably creeping her out. You need to learn how to read situations and people better. You also need to accept that it is her decision to reject you and she is perfectly entitled to this decision. It may be tough for you to accept that someone isn't interested , but that is life, you HAVE to learn to live with this, rejection is a part of life. Move on. If you cannot get over this then I STRONGLY suggest you go and speak to a counsellor.


Life is tough, often people will not like you, the best you can hope for in life is that you learn to like yourself and find at least a few others who like you as well.


Please, leave this women alone. She isn't interested. And that's ok. If you can't handle this please speak to someone professionally.


Honestly I say this not to be nasty, I know it may be tough.


Good luck.

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OneGoal, please ignore the previous post from Sid3, they obviously haven't read the rest of the thread. I stopped posting advice because you obviously weren't listening properly (and I was scared of posting), or you just are not getting what people are trying to tell you.


She isn't interested and I think you are probably creeping her out. You need to learn how to read situations and people better. You also need to accept that it is her decision to reject you and she is perfectly entitled to this decision. It may be tough for you to accept that someone isn't interested , but that is life, you HAVE to learn to live with this, rejection is a part of life. Move on. If you cannot get over this then I STRONGLY suggest you go and speak to a counsellor.


Life is tough, often people will not like you, the best you can hope for in life is that you learn to like yourself and find at least a few others who like you as well.


Please, leave this women alone. She isn't interested. And that's ok. If you can't handle this please speak to someone professionally.


Honestly I say this not to be nasty, I know it may be tough.


Good luck.


Why do you say I need counseling?

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She's not calling because she's playing hard to get. She's obviously interested in you as she told you where she works at her other job. You should go and visit her, why else would she tell you where she works at her other job. It so you can drop in and say hi. Sounds like she's testing you to see if your really interested in her. Go for it!


So what should I do next then?

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She's not calling because she's playing hard to get. She's obviously interested in you as she told you where she works at her other job. You should go and visit her, why else would she tell you where she works at her other job. It so you can drop in and say hi. Sounds like she's testing you to see if your really interested in her. Go for it!

Before advising this poster to "go for it" because someone is playing hard to get, please review this thread http://www.loveshack.org/forums/t164405/ to get a sense of the level of skill he has at perceiving other people's reactions, and putting them into perspective as a guide to his own behaviors. I don't think it's responsible to tell him she's playing hard to get and that he should pursue her.


onegoal: She is doing some significant things that tell you she is not interested; based on the history you have shared, I think you have difficulty perceiving those signals, understanding what they mean, and using them to guide you to appropriate behavior.


The appropriate behavior for you at this point is to be kind and polite to her if you see her at her usher job, but if she doesn't make any suggestions that you get together, you should drop it.

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Island Girl
Why can't girls just be direct though? Why cant they just say No, sorry not interested?


Sometimes they do.


Sometimes they don't want to hurt your feelings.


Sometimes they may be scared of how you'll react - if you'll react badly and flip out.


It was pretty direct that you gave her your number and she didn't call.


That is a pretty clear message.


Should I just say hi when I see her and go to my seat?


YES. Just say hi and go to your seat.


At this point she is an acquaintance. That is ALL.


She is no longer a potential date. She is not interested in dating you.


You should no longer pursue her. She is not interested in dating you.


You should be looking elsewhere for a girl to go out with. She is not interested in dating you.

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So what should I do next then?



nothing. Like was mentioned, nod or say hi... and go on to your seat. SHe may even engage you in conversation for a brief moment (although not for any reason in particular). Don't take this as a sign. Find some a new woman to go after... there are surely lots of them in St. Louis.

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Just walk up say hello...start your conversation as usual, and ask her if she'd like to go get coffee or dinner sometime! Easy as that. If she's seeing someone, she'll let you know, or not interested, but you'll never know unless you just ask.

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Cherry Blossom 35

He already said hello.


He already gave her his number.


She found the nearest security guard because she didn't want to talk to him.


He tried another time, and another time, and she rolled her eyes and walked away.


One Goal, I hope you have decided not to pursue this any further.


Is there a way you can become more astute in reading body language or deciphering messages? You will have much better luck in your dating life if you spend time pursuing people who appear to be interested.


There is was nothing wrong with approaching her initially. What was wrong was to pursue it after she gave you clear signs that she wasn't interested.


Just because she isn't interested in you doesn't mean that you are not an interesting person. Trying to catch her and pin her down will not make her like you. You cannot convince someone to change their minds about you, nor should you try. It is her right to speak to the people she wants to speak to.


Gain some dating skills, and you will better your odds in finding a woman who really does want to invest in a relationship with you.

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I thought maybe Sid was being sarcastic. Giving Onegoal advice that would push the guy into getting arrested for stalking - because that's probably the only thing that would get him to STOP this game he's playing. It's ridiculous. He's not listening to anything that anyone is telling him and it's all good, solid advice. Either the guy truly doesn't get it (and clearly never will), or I'm going to agree that this is a troll. It's so ****ing absurd to pursue to this level, I can't even believe it. I feel bad for the girl - I know how it is when a guy won't get a hint and it's VERY uncomfortable. Hope you're happy with yourself, onegoal - you're a real prize. :mad:


What you should do next is LEAVE HER THE HELL ALONE.

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or I'm going to agree that this is a troll.


It was kind of obvious a long time ago. After about 50 posts in his other thread where he'd ask if he should tell a girls she's cute, it was kind of obvious. He's always been given excellent advice, but alwys comes back with the same jackass questions. In the event this poster is not a troll, then A) he is at the very least midly retarded B) on drugs C) or both. As pathetic as it would be, I hope he just gets off by playing the social retard on a dating forum and there really isn't someone out there creeping out and more than likely starting to scare that hell out of this girl.

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Just walk up say hello...start your conversation as usual, and ask her if she'd like to go get coffee or dinner sometime! Easy as that. If she's seeing someone, she'll let you know, or not interested, but you'll never know unless you just ask.


Thats what I did today. When I went to the game I say Hi, hows it going, and chit chatted only for a few seconds and went to my seat. After the game I told her "I'll see you tommorow, bye" and left. I didn't say anything more.

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I just said hi to her again today when I went to my seat. She still has not called me.

And she won't, troll boy. :sick:

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