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met a girl first date-she has cold sore on her lip

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ok got question met this girl off the net today off plentyoffish. shes a older girl 35, i'm 30.

she nice good looking , not sure if shes interested in me, i am attracted to her and like to see how it goes if shes interested right\


she had a pimple type thing on her lip and she even said shes trying to recover from the cold sores which is located on her lip. i seen it too and its there


ok is it safe to date, kiss a girl with a cold sore, is it safe to have sex with her if it ever happens. i don;t want cold sores on my lip. i heard its not even curable.


so would u date a girl with cold sores yes or no. and is it safe. i don;t want cold sores either or catch it

do you think shes like loose go crazy type of girl b/c she has a cold sore. shes asian so am i.


what would u as a guy or girl do . would u continue seeing em as a date. shbe said shes not looking for bf just meeting friends. but i want to see for more, but with cold sore, i am not surem

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I think you should still "be a friend" to her and go from there.


You'll at least know about her cold sore.


Honestly, cold sore or not, if you want more while she does not; she might get bored and move on while you're still chasing.

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I get cold sores and have gotten them all my life. I generally don't let people kiss me when I get one. I've been in several long term relationships and married for twelve years and no one I've ever been with has gotten one from me - on their mouth, or anywhere else.


I guess as long as you aren't doing any kissing or oral during the 'blistery' times you should be ok. There is always a chance you could pick up the virus, but it isn't terribly likely if you are careful.

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slippery sneaker

What does it truley mean if you have one? You do have herpes of some sort? I never had on,but had cancers from tomatoes inside me real tiny ones.(what are those also?)


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Citizen Erased

Don't kiss her when she has one and don't let her go down on you (if it gets to that!) if she has an outbreak. Other than that it is no major drama if you don't choose to make it one.

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Canker sores and fever blisters aren't quite the same thing. Canker sores are not contagious.


Fever blisters come from a strain of the herpes virus, so if you get fever blisters technically you have a form of herpes.

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confused and broken

My mom gets cold sores and my dad doesn't...

Neither me or my sister has them either

Obviously they are not always contagious there must be different types

My friends family is the exact same

I wouldn't base anything on that

Other than don't kiss her on the lips when she has one and don't let her go down on you.....I guess

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