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Current situation with guy friend is making some sense but not really...

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Okay so this is about the guy I posted in a few last threads, but a whole new situation came up. I'll put it into a nutshell for those that don't know: I've known him for 8-9 years been friend with him for about 7 years. He is currently 23 and i'm currently 21. I've slept with him twice, made out with him once. He broke up with his gf in december of 9 1/2 months because she repeatedly cheated on him, lied to him, and used her friends to get him to feel awful. She was also going to school 15 hrs away. She is currently 19 and there is a 5 year age difference between the two of 'em. Well about 1 1/2 and half after they broke up she got another guy and wouldn't stop calling my friend about the issues with this new guy, which was causing him problems a lot lately. Also she just broke up with this guy and comes him this weekend. Also he works alot, when I mean alot, I mean he goes to school 5 days a week, works when ever he has free time for his father, and ontop of that is starting to get his office ready at the school for counseling war veterans of this current war, so he is very busy.




So I was hanging out with him and our friend, well call her "jane", on saturday night. Well it got kind of interesting. He had drank about 4 beers by this time at night. See at one point my friend "jane", was giving him a massage, well he turned over, decided to lay down with his face smack dab on my lap. He got all cocky and started to try and make noises of some sort.


I started laughing, cause I'm ticklish on my inner thighs, and he yells out "I think she is getting turned on, I think she is getting an orgasim...", he looks up "Oh my god", I started to fall to the side, "she really is! holy crap!" he starts laughing and so does my friend. He keeps on doing it for another minute as a joke. Then he gets up and has to leave the room and decided to get some fresh air.


Then as the night goes, he has another beer and plays some music. He puts on the Tenacious D song "F**k Her Gently" and at one point is trying to serenade me and my friend. Well when he tried to serenade me I could tell I was turning a shade of pink, but mostly cause I was trying not to laugh and look him in the eye, because of the situation from september when I slept with him, which my other friend had no clue about, so I was kind of feeling a little awkward.


Anyway, we all stayed up till around 3:30am and watched a movie. I did at one point caught from the corner of my eye, a glimpse of him looking at me, with him having this small smile creep up on his face, almost like he was thinking of something about me and then he looks down and up at the tv to watch the movie. Well after the movie, he puts on some music from his laptop, a song by the avett brothers "If It's The Beaches", and my friend jane asks what its about and i knew, but he whispers it to her as though its a huge secret, but my gut was telling me maybe he has a secret from me, cause he was sort of giving me this look as he was trying to tell her.


Anyway, he leaves the room again. Me and my friend decided to jokingly cuddle under the blanket on his futon and he comes back in literally lays on both of us and then decided to roll more ontop of me. I try to get him off, I even took a pillow that was in reach and wacked him with it, didn't work. He finally gets off and then asks us both if we wanted to spend the night. I look up at my friend "jane" and she looks at me and we both know that it would be nuts to do so. Soooo he keeps on asking about 6 times, like he didn't want the night to end. So i respond with "Its up to jane if we stay...", I get up and make my way to the door and as I'm outside she yells back, "okay she says we should stay", which I never did.


Anyway, he gave us boxers and shirts to sleep in and we changed and comes back downstairs. She makes me sleep next to him during the entire night. At one point she got up and when that happened, as i tried to sleep, he was literally laying up against me, almost like he was trying to cuddle with me, yet he didn't put his hand on me, just laid there. Well about a few hours later after some tossing and turning he did, I don't know how this happened, but I was facing the back of my friend jane, and my back was facing my friend, well he was trying to move and ended up stretching out his arm so far that it wacked me across the head, he apologized, but I was trying so hard not to laugh, cause it was just so ridiculous.


Anyway, around 8am, my friend jane is wide awake, I'm finally trying to sleep, cause she got out of bed. Well she gets too smart for her own good and tries to poke me and pinch me and get me up and I'm trying not to laugh cause she knows it'll probably end up with an elbow in his back. So then she goes and jumps on him to get him up and he gets all cranky cause he only has been sleeping for less then 4 hours and he goes "I'm not a morning person and I'm really cranky when I get woken up. Also if its before 9am I'm going to be mad and hurt you...", which I then respond with "Don't look at the clock, don't look at the clock, don't look at the clock...", he then looks at the clock, takes the covers and pulls them over his head and goes back to sleep.


We both try to sleep till 9am and then get up and go up stairs where his parents are awake. His mother offered us coffee and we talked to both for about an hour. His mother said we can come back as often as we want and that we didn't just have to hang out with him, lol.


Anyway, long story short I'm confused as to what was going on with him that night. Something tells me that maybe he is confused and what not, but also not sure if I'm just reading into it, but my intuition tells me that there is something going on big time, but I don't think he is ever going to tell me cause he never has free time anymore. I'm only wondering if its just me or am I reading too much into it.... I'm not worried about anything happening, I'm very content with being his friend, cause its a lot of fun just being that, but if more happens, it happens, but I can totally just be his friend and nothing more, just wondering thats all...


Also if anyone is confused and needs details, just ask, I'll be glad to fill in any gaps of information that is needed.

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