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more than a friend?

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i am a college student and for the past 6 months i have become closer and closer to my next door neighbor and good friend, a 21 year old male. last semester it seemed as though he was really starting to develop feelings for me, but because of certain circumstances at the time i wasn't interested, but i still valued him as a friend and we remained close. but suddenly in the last month i have developed very strong feelings for him. we have engaged in a lot of flirting, touching, and cuddling that definitely indicates we are more than friends, but he hasn't kissed me yet. he recently went away on vacation for a week and now that he's back he is acting stand-offish and less interested (unless i am just over-analyzing the situation). i really like him and i thought things were progressing before he left, but now i'm wondering if it was all in my head... what should i do?

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