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getting him back...

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I recently broke up with my boyfriend of over 10 months. I broke up with him because I would see other guys and not feel bad about checking them out, even in front of my guy. I was scared that what I was feeling for my ex wasn't love anymore, and I didn't want to fake a relationship so I told him I needed a break. Now I'm sure of how I feel, and how much I truely love him. No one else has ever made me feel the way I feel about him. But I don't know how to get him back, and I'm scared he'll just say no because I hurt him too much by breaking up. Any advice would be appreciated.

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Hi Katie


May I ask you a question?


How did you find the romantic feelings for him again, did you take a break from seeing him?, or did you realise how you really felt after breaking up and realisng there was a real risk of losing him to someone else?


Finally, how long did it take to realise how you felt again?


On your situation, maybe the best way is to first spend some time with him again and let any romance happen spontaneously before making any formal decision on getting back together. That way you can guage your real feelings in case they just came about by missing him or forgetting that maybe some chemistry was not there. I wish you luck.



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I've had an absolutely horrible dating life. Before my last before, my other exes had ALL cheated on eme, and I'm not talking about one-night flings. It seems that even after I can trust my last boyfriend, I was scared to trust my heart and listen. I got scared.


The romantic feelings seem to ampliy when I don't see him. Because at first he wouldn't talk to me, I gave him a letter explaining why and that nothing he did was wrong. I felt and still feel horrible, so I included a very nice bracelt he had given me for my birthday. I felt I didn't deserve it. I ran into him a few days later, and ironic as it sounds, he's been the only one to hug me since we broke up. He also forced me to take back the bracelet. Since that night I've been floating. I feel like a freshman in high school who has a crush on somebody, and has no clue what to do. I've never had this problem, or these feelings. I wish it didn't have to take us breaking up to make me truely feel them. I'd do anything



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