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To be or not to be


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He and I used to be classmates in university, and we worked in the same city for more than two years before he went to UK last year. He told me in a letter that he always loved me just before he left, and he also said that he really hope to marry me.


We have contact with each other by e-mails and some letters for months. But I still feel hesitated to accept his proposal. He is a young diplomat who have a good reputation of being both smart and working hard. Besides, he is very kind to me. The problem is that I seem to hope for more than that he possesses.


He is not handsome, not rich, he don't have many friends, sometimes he is just a little too sensitive ... I am sure he is not the kind that can make me creazy. But very often he makes feel safe and grateful. According to my personality, I am not inclined to flirt around guys and take "positive actions" in dealing with such kind of things. But I look far younger than my real age, and most of other suitors at present are just younger than me, which seems unsuitable.


Should I accept his proposal or I'd better wait for a more ideal one?

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If you don't have strong feelings for him now then I wouldn't accept his proposal right now. People are wrong when they say you can learn to love someone. If you've known someone for awhile and never developed feeling for him besides caring then it's highly doubtful that you could ever love this man. Let him know when you get in touch with him next how you really feel and that when he comes back maybe you could give it a try.


When you do make your decision though don't judge him by money because that comes and goes. As for looks "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" are you just looking at is outward cuteness or are you looking inside. Someone could be ugly on the outside but once you get to know them they are gorgeous on the inside. So remember "beauty is skin deep, and money comes and goes "


So the decision is up to you. Don't judge this guy on how many friends he has either. You may think he doesn't have a lot but are you sure you know all of them?? What matters the most is that he loves you and makes you feel safe. How do you really feel about him?? So what if he can be a little too sensitive at times. I would love to find a guy like that.


Well the choice is up to you. I hope I helped in some way.

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