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How to go from friend to lover?


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So this is my story, thanks for taking the time to read it!


I became close to this girl in high school because we had same classes and similar intrests. We're both from california and went to colleges in the midwest this year. We both also loved talking to each other because we we're really sarcastic so it was fun. She hates her college and the ppl there meaning she had a lot of time to talk during college.


We videochatted, (we talked for 8 hours the first time). I was busy, but we would talk 2-4 times a week for 2-6 hrs a time. We went back for winter break and hung out a lot, and that's when I realized I might be intrested in her.


I know the person she views me is funny, confident, popular, extremely good social skills, and really good with girls (because I've gone on many dates in college). She also knows I'm still a gentlemen though. However she's never thought of me as more than a friend. For instance, she recently said that she should put my picture in her wallet and pretend I'm her boyfriend so she could deter her stalkers. But then she said, that would be bad because she might meet a decent guy, and then she would have to explain that I'm just a friend.


She has so many people hitting on her in college it's ridiculous. She's really really moral/conservative and has never even had a boyfriend. She goes to a college that's a 6 hr drive away from me. She's visiting me in 2 weeks, and we're both staying at our school in summer. Plus she wants to go to Europe alone with me next summer.



I'm not sure what to do? With so many people after her I feel it's only a matter of time before she gets a bf. Is there anything I can do, for her to even think about me as more than a friend. Oh and also recently our conversation are now filled with sexual innuendos. ;) Any advice is apprecated, thanks again!

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It's tough. I've done it, but it took a good 6 months before we even kissed. My first move was at a movie. She was kneeling in her seat and then changed position and complained about her ankles hurting. Ever the opportunist I am I quickly said, "Give them to me. Put them up here." and patted my lap. She looked at me quizzically and I said, "let me rub your ankles. They're probably cramping from the way you were sitting." She hesitantly did as I said, and I gave her ankles and calves a nice rub down. I payed close attention to her and made sure to do a good job.

That was the first step of us getting closer. We then started to joke about sex more often, just using innuendo all the time and eventually we ended up getting together.


You need to move slow, but take advantage of every opportunity that presents itself. Don't be afraid (easier said than done), and have confidence in yourself and what you're doing.

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You two can always try hanging out with our good friend alcohol. Sometimes between to good friends who obviously want each other, having lowered inhibitions helps move things along. You have to walk a fine line though, you can't be sloppy drunk because then it might be awkward. But if you are just slightly buzzed enough not the listen to the biggest buzz kill in the world, you're brain, and just go with the feelings and signals from your heart.


It sounds as if this girl has a good head on her shoulders not to feed into the always getting hit on by drunken college guys. She seems to see the game they play so despite the fact she gets hit on all the time, she just passes them off.


Like Mr. Reverb says, just take it slow but you must act as well. You can't take it so slow where progress becomes idle.

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you know what to do just stop acting like a friend be flirty be touchy and go for a kiss. You need to put her in a stituation where she will either reject or accept you. If you don't take the risk of losing her you;ll never get the reward of a romantic relationship with her

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^^^^ I agree with the above. I disagree with the alcohol plan. To me that's putting yourself in a vulnerable state of taking advantage of her and coming off as a jerk.


What's the worst that happens....she turns you down and things get awkward....that will only last for a couple weeks and as long as you're nice and prove that you understand her situation, friendship can and will be salvaged.


Take the plunge..... be touchy feely....and flirt your ass off.

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