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help me figure him out

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my ex and i broke up about 3 weeks ago,after 1 year of dating, we dated off and on for 1 year before that and 3/4 of the last year we were togeter he was in the army and during that time, he treated me like a queen, but when he got home ,he never wanted to spend time together,and when we did we would either have sex or fight(mostly sex). i got sick of it so i dumped him.now that we are broken up, he calls every day, comes over just to see me,makes love insted of just our old boring sex.i dont get it! before he was an ass and now hes so passionate and thoughtful. i want him back but he made it clear he dosent want commitment.his best friend said he refuses to date other girls,and when girls give him numbers he gives them back. help, i need advice bad, could i do anythig to have him come back, just help me understand what the hell is going on with this guy. help!!!

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Love knows not its own depth, except in the hour of separation.


Sometimes we just don't realize what we had until it's gone or about to be gone.


Man is not so tempted by that which is readily available.


This happens ALL THE TIME!!!


Give him time and he will once again take you for granted. Therefore, you must always be a challenge.

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I know how it feels. My ex dumped me because i did not pay attention to her nad all we did is just have sex. And now that hs eis gone i miss her like crazy i just guess i did not know what i had because she cares for me so much and that is what i miss. And now she has moved on and got a new bf. It jusdt hurts now. You should ust talk with him for a while to see what he does and how he act. And dont just have sex if you guys aint going out soo.. when he comes next time just say no or something just test him to see if he is the right one

my ex and i broke up about 3 weeks ago,after 1 year of dating, we dated off and on for 1 year before that and 3/4 of the last year we were togeter he was in the army and during that time, he treated me like a queen, but when he got home ,he never wanted to spend time together,and when we did we would either have sex or fight(mostly sex). i got sick of it so i dumped him.now that we are broken up, he calls every day, comes over just to see me,makes love insted of just our old boring sex.i dont get it! before he was an ass and now hes so passionate and thoughtful. i want him back but he made it clear he dosent want commitment.his best friend said he refuses to date other girls,and when girls give him numbers he gives them back. help, i need advice bad, could i do anythig to have him come back, just help me understand what the hell is going on with this guy. help!!!
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