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do u consider this cheating

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how is everyone,


please have your say on my topic, i've been with my boyfriend for just over 4.5 years and i do love him but there's a problem i met this guy who i really like as well he has a girlfriend but the thing is we started off with flirting with one another & we still do it (flirt) but each time that we are alone we end up hugging and kissing, i feel like its the right thing to do and i don't regret any of it. & if i had the chance i'd probably go the next step with him but i'm not sure on that.


Don't get me wrong i love my boyfriend a lot and don't won't to break up with him but i really like this other guy and he loves his girlfriend too.


tell me would u consider this as cheating and what should i do


thank you

worried (Vic)

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That IS cheating. You should leave your boyfriend because you are a cheating, unfaithful person. I think the other girl should be told what is going on as well. You both should be ashamed, but yet you think it's ok. I hate cheaters. You don't love him, otherwise, you would not cheat on him. Do the right thing for once.

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I have a question for you. What if your boyfriend told you that he met another girl and everytime he is around her they engage in hugging and kissing each other. He then tells you if he had the chance he would probably have sex with her but is not sure he would. He then asks you if you consider this cheating? What would you say? The bottom line is would you want your boyfriend to be doing to you what you are doing to him? What don't you ask your boyfriend if he considers what you are doing as cheating? If you are afraid to tell your boyfriend about what you are doing then you know for sure it is cheating. In short, you know this is cheating so why are you really asking?

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well in a way i do know that it is cheating and i can't tell him cause i'll loose him forever i love him dearly and with all my heart, don't get me wrong i've never done anything like this before i'm so messed up and don't know what to do.


when i'm with the other guy i feel happy etc but then when i'm with my boyfriend i feel kinda bad cause i know what i've done but i still love him and would be lost without him


another question: When he goes away for the weekend i always think that he's ganna sleep with some other girl but deep down i know that he wouldn't do u think maybe i'm insurcure because i've what i've done?

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I would take your cuddling with this other guy as a HUGE message to you that you are not ready to be committed to your current boyfriend. Four and a half years is a long time to be with someone and you probably are afraid of breaking up, but you will do yourself and your boyfriend a favor if you decide to take a break for awhile and see if the grass is greener on the other side.

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well thanks for your advice but i'm still all mixed up, i do love my boyfriend and don't won't to hurt him, but i really like this other guy but he has a girlfriend well they've just became more than boyfriend/girlfriend.


i feel for him how i did when i first started dating my boyfriend , gssss i'm so confused i don't know what to do anymore.


Could i feel this way cause he is my first serious boyfriend ?

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Nah, you just wanna have 2 guys.....but the fact is, if you tell your b/f he will dump your ass and the other dude will prolly forget about you too. He prolly just leading you on to get in your pants and you're prolly dumb enough to go for it. You may as well end your relationship with b/f now because you will never be able to be happy in the relationship as long as you are lying and keeping little secrets from him that will eat you away.

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there is nothing wrong with dating, or even kissing, more than one guy at a time as long as you do not have a previous agreement of monogamy and as long you are honest with both.


if you are sleeping with one and making out with another, and have not been honest, you might want to ask yourself why you lack the courage to simply be straightforward with them.


xox j

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