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how do i get over her?


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i am in much need of help to get over my ex. We go to the same skool and and i sit rite next to her in science class. Everytime i see her and her new bf my heart stops beating and then i get angry and mad. I want her back but i know i cant but how can i get over her???????/ Plz help me.


today i was walking through the hall were me and her put our names together and drew a heart and now it is scratched off and has her and her new bf. It hurts so bad fell like killing my self. sop plz help me asap.

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big daddy, i know how you feel, it hurts i was in your same position just a little while ago. give yourself some time, belive time heals most of everything. but i also know how much you want to try to get this girl back and that time takes to long. you said the promblem was , was that you were not giving her any attention(that was a big no-no, coming from another girl nothing hurts more than your man not showing you that you are loved)if you think that she is still into you, i suggust going out of your way to show her that you still need her in your life. write her letters just to say hi, call her to ask her how her day was and how she doing.take time to listen, and try to be there when she needs you, make sure she knows how much love you have to offer, make sure shes feeling.make her feel important and wanted.but truly the best way to get over someone, is to get out, go look for new girls, go out with your friends, give yourself some time belive me sooner or later you will wake up and be okay:) i promise ive had to get over some one a millon times.and remember the next time you find someone that you need, show them that, you can only learn from your mistakes. good luck.

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To have scratched yours and her name out at the place in the hall where you drew the heart was one thing. But to replace it with her name and that of her new boyfriend tells me she is a piece of trash. Forget her. She has absolutely NO class whatsoever. You don't need somebody like that in your life.


If she has no reservations about hurting you like this, she never cared for you and has no self-respect for herself. Give thanks each day you are away from her!!!


If you sit next to her in science class, put her to sleep with some ether and dissect her the first chance you get. Then you'll see what the inside of a bXtch looks like.

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Wiser Woman

You didn't say how old you both were so can I assume high school? If so, your ex-girlfriend may be somewhat casual over the break up of your relationship but I don't think I would take Tony's suggestion to dissect her to see what the inside of a bitch looks like (I know he didn't mean that literally!). But it's comments like this that perpetuate the viewpoint that women are bitches and men misunderstood. If you guys are just teenagers, you're both probably going to have lots of boyfriends/girlfriends before, and if, you each settle on "the one" at some point in your life. Don't let this eat you up and NO ONE is worth killing yourself over! Take the high road and keep your head up high - don't let her know that you're upset, be friendly if you see her with her new boyfriend. You don't have to fall all over her, just a friendly smile. Your heart will keep on beating and soon will beat a little faster when you meet someone else that interests you. Life is too short to waste much time in mourning. Accept, graciously, that your relationship with her over and move on. The best revenge is treating others better than they have treated you.

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Dear Wiser Woman:


In your response your wrote:


"...I don't think I would take Tony's suggestion to dissect her to see what the inside of a bitch looks like (I know he didn't mean that literally!). But it's comments like this that perpetuate the viewpoint that women are bitches and men misunderstood."


No, I did not mean that literally.


I love women and don't think of them as bitches, but some DO exist. But no matter how old this girl was...a teeny bopper, or whatever...there is simply no excuse for her to have gone out of her way to hurt her ex. So maybe calling her a bitch was too much...how about meany, turkey, or doo doo. A rose by any other name is still a rose. But this chick is NO rose!!!


Sorry if I offended some of you ladies. But my friends know I have the greatest respect for the opposite sex. One of its members carried me for nine months.


As far as perpetuating the viewpoint that women are bitches and men are misunderstood, you give my words some serious power. I do not have that viewpoint.

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hi big daddy! I know it's hard but you'll have no choice but to.... move on!!!!!! get busy!go out w/ friends,girlwatch.. anything to forget your girlfriend.I have alot of friends who've experienced that and what i advise is to show your x that you could still move on w/your life. start a new one and make it better than before ok? good luck!!!


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