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what does it mean when an ex-pursuer asks for a kiss?

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hey guys!


there's a guy who was interested in me last year - i went out with him several times, didn't really like him as more than a friend, and went for another guy soon thereafter (apparently he was rlly upset when i went for another guy).


so almost a year goes by, and he throws a party for a huge crowd, so I drop by, and we end up chatting & catching up, in his room; and next thing i know he's asking for a kiss, "just cuz he always wondered what it'd be like".


My question is - is it true that he just wanted one kiss to see what it's like, or was he hoping i'd really enjoy the kiss & things'd develop?? I know you guys can't read minds, but there's no way i can ask him that... and i'm curious about the reason because i don't know what to do in such a situation.


what i ended up doing was giving him a quick kiss and leaving the room... i hope i didn't make him feel bad, he's a good kid.



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I wouldn't read too much into it. He probably just wanted to see if he could get you to kiss him, as he'd failed before.

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in my opinion he was trying to sucker you into kissing him so things would pick up where he didnt succeed before.

or maybe he cought some weird disease and was hoping to give it to you as revenge.some people are sick like that.so be really careful .

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