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I need so much

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I have a man who I slept with stupidly months ago. I fell for him and he did not for me. He was in a relationship on and off back then but I didn't know it. We have business relationship and are in communication pretty much every day. Recently we have become quite close as friends. He doesn't initiate doing things together but he does call and text quite often. Either I call or he does every day. I am crazy about this man. he sees me as just a friend. He recently broke up with this relationship he had that he was planning on proposing. It's been about a month now. I've been there for him because he's really hurting. Another woman has come into the picture that he knew years ago and has pushed and pushed to see him and they have gone out the past 2 weekends and he has slept with her. He says he doesn't feel anything for her but this past weekend spent Saturday night and all day Sunday with her and says he might be able to feel something for her. I can't imagine he's over his ex-girlfriend so quickly. I hurt so bad thinking about him with another woman that he could potentially fall for. She's "perfect on paper" as he says. She initiates everything and calls him everyday. I personally feel he will get tired of this but I don't know. My question is, do I just sit and wait and be his friend or do I move on? I read somewhere that if you want a man to notice you then you need to drop off the face of the earth. I can't get this man out of my mind. I hate it. If I drop off the face of the earth, what do I do when he calls and texts me? I'm so confused. I need some input from anyone!!

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sweetheart, thgere's no easy way to tell you this - yopu're being a doormat.

he is completely obliviuous to your feelings because otherwise he wouldn't be so tactless as to talk to you about this other woman, so candidly.


You need to sever ties with him, and be completely upfront about it.

Tell him, let him know -

"I am so desperately and completely in love with you, and it's gone straight over your head.

It kills me that I have stood by you all this time, and waited with hope to be able to be more important to you, and part of your life, and here you are, screwing around with someone who means nothing to you - and telling me about it.


I need to not speak with you any more.

I need to cut you out of my life as much as I practically can, because I need to look after myself and not be such a doormat.

Please leave me alone, and let me get on with my life."


But I doubt you'll do this.

Somehow, the pain of continuing as you are, will have a bittersweet pleasure to it....


Tragic, really.

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