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My BFF goes through a THE transition.


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This is not too long I hope...


My BFF is a gay female with a lack of interest in men sexually. I've been friends with this crazy girl for four years, and throughout that time have never once been reluctant in sharing my personal feelings for her in a complete heterosexual fashion. In other words I like her and she knows it. We've gotten close, and even with her various excuses I consider myself lucky that she's let me get close.


"I don't dig dudes, I like you but not that much, If I sleep with you I'm just gonna blow you off afterwards, I've gotten back with my ex girlfriend after the 4th time breaking up, I'm afraid we won't be friends if we breakup", and my personal favorite, " I'm gay." (like I didn't know that already).


Despite her incredible list of reasons, which would take all day to sort out, we are still friends even after we had slept together for the first time last month. She damn sure did try to cut me loose afterwards, but I'm so damn persistant that she couldn't get me away. I guess I am lucky, or pretty damn special, or maybe to every rule there is an exception.


What's put my head in a spin is that she's just recently enlisted in the Army last month and is into her second week at basic and whats strange is not talking to my gay friend, but to get a phone call from a recently born again christian. (She just recited the lords prayer of salvation) Who says that we should get married. Her mother and me are excited about it, but even more we're skeptical. How does a gay/biphobic/heterophobic/commitment phobic, suddenly wants to decide on marraige?


I feel like maybe she's caving in from some unseen pressures whether it be coming from society, her mom, me, the military, and now God. It's not that I didn't say yes. I've hinted at marriage on a couple of moments with her. It's that I said yes and am wondering why she suddenly ASKED me to marry her. Do I deserve to be a little skeptical? I don't need her thinking that the road to salvation is in whether you're straight and get married or not. I wouldn't want her thinking cause she's in the Army she has to tag along with some trophy husband to fit in. I just don't want her doing this to fit in with others. Can you understand why I feel like this? This is virtual insanity posted to you on loveshack.org.

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