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Can we be more than friends???

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Hi all,


So here's my deal. Lets call her "Sunrise".




Sunrise and I have always been good friends. I've always been in and out of her life and we've both never been single together at any one time.. i mean shes alway been dating someone or I have.


After disappearing for a couple years, when I was going through a divorce, i got in touch with all my old friends including her. We had many great nights out and lots of fun. Still friends at this point.


Then I left the country...with my now ex wife...to sort out my life. I eventually got divorced last year June. She broke up with her fiance in August last year as well. We've both been single since.


In December Sunrise and a friend came to stay for a few days...we had a wonderful time...the last thing I told her is ...


"Im not going to tell you when Im coming back...im going to pitch at your place..knock on the door...you are going to take me for dinner and Im going to take you dancing"


We've chatted over the phone a few times and the odd email here and there. By nature she is a very very closed person! I cant read anything from her..nor can any of our common friends. Beside..being so far away from her and phone and email arent the best things.


I've had feelings for her for a long time... we talk about deep things..we talk about fun things... ive introduced a bit of sexual topics.. nothing too heavy just cool. And sometimes I get irritated that I dont get the reaction that I want..and just not call her and disappear for a while...she drops me an sms or calls me.


What I do know is that she doesnt really know what or who she wants. She is open to going out with other guys. Ive told her that Ive been dating other women as well.


Ive heard her talk about wanting a guy just like me. Every time I tell her what I want in a relationship and what I want in life..its what she wants too. Shes a hopeless romantic...


The Objective


NOW..after all that...heres the thing...Im going back to my home country soon. We've not seen each other for 2 months..it'll be 3 by the time i get back.


Do I tell her how I feel? Do I take her out and show her the time of her life but not say anything? Do I just kiss her softly on the lips after a night out?


Ive got no clue, but Im sure as hell not satisfied just being friends.

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