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We still don't get it (long)


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Trying to meet someone on line is how old, almost as old as the Internet itself? When I look back, it looks like we haven't gotten very far. I look at all the mistakes people have made, and I see the same mistakes over and over again.


Maybe it's just me... but everything all made sense when I realized last fall that some of us are players and others are keepers. Online dating services don't care about the difference, they just keep lumping everyone together, and everyone just keeps abusing the system. A few of us win, but most of us get tired of losing, so we give up. A lot of us are still trying to attract someone the way our parents did... yeah right, like you can play hard-to-get or flirt online.


The solution to the online dating mess has been right in front of us for years, but everyone either thinks (wrongly) that it's very expensive, or maybe they don't really want to meet someone that much after all. It would be easy to start a website just for singles in a given area, then ask them if they're a keeper or a player, and have separate clubs for both... the singles could run the site themselves, and the ripoff artists who tried to muscle in on it would be laughed at. But, nobody seems willing to do that... so that's why I don't feel the least bit sorry for anyone who tries online dating and gets taken. As long as there are sad sacks like that, the ripoff artists will keep making a living off them.


As for me, if I get involved in the dating game again, I'm not going to do it online. There are ways to search offline without going broke. I will not tell you exactly what I have in mind, but my friend has an idea which is pretty good, and I'm going to go along with it.


But, I'll make a deal... if it works, I'll come back and tell you all about it, so it can work for you too. If it doesn't work, well then I guess it's back to the drawing board.

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Playing hard to get is lame and a waste of time.


The idea has merit, but what's to stop the players from playing keepers? There just isn't any good way to seperate the two.


Online dating hasn't been a total bust for me. While I haven't met anyone I'm really interested in starting a relationship with, I've been on dates and I've snagged a couple of decent friends in the process. Some of them are duds, no doubt, but that's true offline, too. Why limit your options voluntarily?

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Playing hard to get is lame and a waste of time.


Behold, another human being who actually agrees with me about this!:lmao:


Why limit your options voluntarily?


Think of it as limiting yourself only to what you like. I know what I like, which is more than I can say for most of the women I've met in OLD. A lot of them only tried it because their friends talked them into it... is that lame or what?

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