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Does she have a crush on me?

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Ok, so theres this girl in my college whos in some of my classes. I've never talked to her. But last month on the bus she kept staring over at me, and when I looked she'd hold her gaze with a bit of a smile, until I looked away (I'm pretty shy). This kept on going for like 10-15 minutes for the bus ride. Where we'd be glancing at each other.


Then college was out and I didn't see her for 3 weeks. Then I saw her at the bus stop again and she was talking with her friend. When we got on the bus, she ended up sitting one seat over from me, with her friend between us, and other than a few words, she didn't talk to her friend until she got off the bus.


Another thing was in class, she and her were looking for a seat and while I was looking away, she pointed to some seats right behind me and ended up sitting there, even though there were plenty of other seats around.


Other than that, whenever we are close by walking past each other, she is always smiling at me. But a lot of times in class if we are sitting far away from each other, sometimes I don't think I even get a glance.


So, do you guys think this girl is interested in me? If she is, how can I approach her?

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If she is around you that much, try saying hello and talking about school. What's the worst that can happen?


Good luck!!

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......do you guys think this girl is interested in me? If she is, how can I approach her?


I know this is a little radical, and perhaps, even a bit unusual, but you could try:


"Hi, would you like to go for a coffee, or grab a burger some time?"


Sometimes the ordinary, yet direct approach works wonders...... :rolleyes:

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Its tough mate, theres always a feeling of what if she doesn't like me...and plus she's always around her friends which makes it more intimidating.

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So what if she doesn't like you? What do you lose? nothing.

But the fact that she looks at you, smiles and hasn't made 'get lost' faces would indicate this is not likely.


And actually, to go up and talk to her whilst her freinds are around her, would be quite something.

Why be intimidated by other people? It's not them who are intimidating, it's you who is intimidated.....if you let them intimidate you, that's your problem.

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Dude, seriously, that's some of the most obvious "flirt with me, please" behavior I've seen in ages. You should probably get moving on that. While I can't say if she's got a crush or not, she's into you enough to want to talk to you. Next time she's sitting with friends, just start chatting to the group. Get friendly with them a little bit (approval from a girls friends is a big deal, bro.) then after class, get her number, suggest hanging out, then freaking call her. Gold.

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It seems as though she may be interested, take a shot and talk to her!

Even if she said no, wouldn't you feel better knowing at least you tried and won't be stuck wondering "what if?"

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Dude, seriously, that's some of the most obvious "flirt with me, please" behavior I've seen in ages. You should probably get moving on that. While I can't say if she's got a crush or not, she's into you enough to want to talk to you. Next time she's sitting with friends, just start chatting to the group. Get friendly with them a little bit (approval from a girls friends is a big deal, bro.) then after class, get her number, suggest hanging out, then freaking call her. Gold.

Thanks for the tips bro, but I don't think I'll talk to the whole group at once, since she seems much more easy to approach when she's alone. lol believe me I know getting approval from the friends is important, but I think once I get through to her, the friends usually know when to back off and let her talk.

Now all thats left is the approach!

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The locking eyes and smiles are a sure sign that the girl finds you attactive. Especially the eye thing.


Go for it and ask her out. You have nothing to lose either way.

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[sIZE=3][FONT=Times New Roman]Of course she is interested in you. Talk to her. This is the first thing you can guess that the person wants to get to know you closer. Don’t be shy. Say hi to her and ask what her name is. [/FONT][/sIZE]

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Thanks for the tips guys. I was just thinking that maybe I was thinking too much of those signs and maybe I still am, but I have to give it a try!

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