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Why do guys go hot and cold??

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It is THE most annoying thing in the world! Let me explain my scenario and see what you all think:


This guy and I have known each other for about five years (he was a prof in my college major so I saw him often), we've been good friends for about 3 years now (ever since I graduated) and have been flirting with each other since last summer.


He actually started the flirting even when I was a student in his class (calling me names in front of the class, making me blush, smiling at me a lot, quickly patting me on the back walking past). And ALWAYS - for five years now - the first time he sees me he does that quick eyebrow thing.


Our flirting has increased a bit since last summer until the big moment when I was home for Christmas - we met for coffee and talked for over two hours. We kept constant eye contact, talked and laughed and once he stopped talking (was leaning forward on the table) and we gazed in each other's eyes for several seconds. He finally broke it, looked down and had an embarrassed-looking smile on his face. Later, when he was taking me home, he said the next time I'm in town (we live several states away and can't see each other) we can just meet at his house (!)


Once I got back to my place I'd send him the usual email or leave a phone message, just keeping in touch like always. Totally ignored me for 2 months. I couldn't understand it at all. Then out of the blue he emails me earlier this week, thanking me for keeping in touch and ending it with "I've had a rough term" (not sure if it's school or personal). He asked me if I was going to be home for Easter. I told him no not til the summer. I also asked him if he was okay with the whole rough term thing.


I haven't heard back from him since. He's usually pretty good with emails. I don't know what the deal with him is. He seems interested then backs off. It's like he wants a chase or something because he finally responded when I stopped responding (of course the guy is almost 60; guys that age should not be playing these types of games; he's not married).


Two questions:


1) What do you think I should do? Because it really sounds like he likes me more than a friend because of the heavy flirting around Christmas and it also sounds like he wants to see me at Easter and can't wait for the summer


2) Why do guys do this (go hot/interested, then cold/distant)? Is it a flirting technique guys use?


Sorry this is so long.

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I think that he is interested. Me being male it makes me wonder. When I like a lady I am cautious in the workplace. I usually just ask her out within a month or two. I may flirt for a little while. And then I just am straight up about my intentions to see if the relationship can move to the next stage. Hope this helps. :)

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I think that he is interested. Me being male it makes me wonder. When I like a lady I am cautious in the workplace. I usually just ask her out within a month or two. I may flirt for a little while. And then I just am straight up about my intentions to see if the relationship can move to the next stage. Hope this helps. :)


Thanks for answering. I had replied to his email telling him it was great to hear from him and no I won't be home for Easter and ended it with "'rough term' - are you okay?" That was five days ago and haven't heard a thing. A part of me is wondering if he wants to see me at Easter so that he can explain things in person. :confused: I'm going to see if I can get a couple days off work and go home and perhaps we can get together and sort this out.

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