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Broke NC !!

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Well I was doing so good and I thought well maybe I need to go with some buddies out for a good time.


I went out had a great time and then I started ti drink, BIIIIG NO NO!!


It was good while I was pounding drinks but, the next day is what the problem is.


I would advise anyone who is going thru being dumped DO NOT drink, I thought people were crazy when they say don't drink.


I was so depressed which changed my thought process and I called the woman thinking maybe things are different know.


I told her I miss her and I have been thinking of her and of course the best I got back from her was "thats nice".


So the moral of the story is go out have fun maybe ONE drink but not beer, whiskey, vodka, strippers, and the end result lack of sleep.


Here we go again with the NC :sick:



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Next time leave your cell phone at the house.


That way you can't break down even if you're tempted.

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Aww, I am sorry. Don't feel bad, just learn from it and start over.

It's funny, a lot of my friends are trying to get me out to the bar to "drink and have fun" but I know that it will only make things worse in the end. Alcohol is a depressant, and I don't think I need any help feeling depressed right now. I agree, ONE drink is the limit. I think it sounds like more fun to have friends over and cook a good dinner and have a glass of wine, than go out and be around a bunch of wasted people anyway. It wouldn't feel like I was improving my life or moving in a positive direction to spend time sitting in the bar, but that's just me.

Don't beat yourself up - just go back to NC and do your best.

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I think it sounds like more fun to have friends over and cook a good dinner and have a glass of wine, than go out and be around a bunch of wasted people anyway


I agree, I thought "well if she is out doing it why can't I".


The thing that bugs me is I go and drink and I F-ING fall apart, she goes out all the time and seems like it is the time of her life.


I do have to say that night I went out, my room mate brought back some "street urchins" from the bar and he had his time with one and the other came into my bedroom and wanted to sleep with me.


I had to explain to her, like I did earlier in the night, I am married and I am only looking to have fun, and not sexually. So I asked her nicely to leave my room and go home which she did.


The funny thing is she could not figure out what the hell was going on, I guess she has never been turned down before.


So that did actually make me feel good cause this is the second time I have done this and it was the right thing to do.


I am having this urge lately to go out and try to see what it is like to have a relationship with someone else, not sexually. I don't know if it is a stage of grief but man it is something I am struggling with for the last couple of days.


Is this normal, should I entertain this thought??

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Drunk Dialing...it afflicts many and all regret it.


I did it once. Fortunately, the guy on the other end said "You are Drunk, and as a favor I am going to forget about this call as soon as you hang up."


He did. Apparently he also forgot my number.

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