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Summer Love Help

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ok I need some advice…


this summer I fell for a guy I new for about three years. we always were attracted to each other but never really have hung out before, until I saw him down the beach. We saw each other at a club, and instantly were drawn to one another. Later on after the club let out we walked out to the beach and watched the stars and talked about how we would always see each other at various places and never talk to one another because of shyness. (Let me say that we are not shy people…only when it came to each other). Anyway, we also talked about my fiancé and his on again of again relationship with his fiancé (who is a psycho). At the end of our time together on the beach, we kissed and held each other for what seemed like an eternity. It felt so, right. Fast forward to this week. Since we last saw each other about a month ago, we have been talking on the phone three times a week (I was abroad in England for three weeks on business). So this past Saturday night me met up for drinks. The same but stronger sparks were present. People keep coming up to us saying how we made a great couple. And telling him that he was a lucky man. One person even said we were the Ken and Barbie of our city. So, we got very drunk and ended up sleeping together. It was totally amazing. The next morning he took me to breakfast, total doting over me and then he drove me home. It was the best night out I had in a long time.

So my question to you all is why hasn’t he called me? I know that I’m in a unhappy relationship and ready to make steps to start over, and I know that he is at the time broken up with his girlfriend and says he wants to start over. So what’s the deal? Should I call him. It’s been two days.

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