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is he playing me? i need

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i really cant figure this out ive asked all my friends and ive gotten no good advice. i met this boy after my trip to utah, full of lots of crazy nights and crazy storys, at first he was all over me and i kept baring him telling him i wasnt into him and i wanted him to get off me. eventually we ended up hooking up and having sex before we had sex i lectured him on how i hate being played and how it always seems to happen to me he promised me he would show me he was diffrent than the other guys i had problems with. what a joke. after he made out with my friend ten minutes after i left i wasnt really hurt because i knew what he was about and i told him i didnt care if he hooked up with other girls as long as he wasnt having sex with other girls. but after i got home he called me immedantly asking me if this really was my number i then yelled at him for hooking up with my friend he then texted my friend asking why i was so angry? i then ignored all of his phone calls for a good 3 weeks because i kept hearing all these storys about girls hes been with and how he IS NOT a good guy. later the next month my friend brought him up in a conversation i told her what happend and she had told me that she had known him since elementry school and that she too had had sex with him. she told me that she had called him one day to have sex, we compaired phone call dates and she called him around 12:41 he called me 3 times that same night at about 12:50. so i decided maybe he is trying to be good and not mess around alot. he had sent me an email recently so i decided i would reply we met and hungout the whole weekend that weekend we had sex each day besides the last day we hung out, it was a 4 day weekend.the next week i called him for the first time EVER threwout this whole ordeal and he told me he was with his girlfriend. i then texted him saying that i needed to talk to him. he kept bothering me asking me about what i then asked him are u really telling me now that u have a girlfriend? he replyed well see. he then called me and i asked if it was recent because i needed to know if what happend between us wasnt behind his girlfriends back but it was a recent thing and had just happend. he called me everyday after that using excuses to call, blank txts, did u call i got a missed call, u still have this of mine,so on... i dont rember what happend i think i got tierd of the phone calls but two weeks later i hungout with him and he broke up with his girlfriend the next day. we have hungout every weekend since and havent hooked up again but still flirt he gets mad when i talk about other hookups, he does the same thing sometimes, and bars me pritty much from talking to many guys who are obviusly into me by introducing himself and cutting me off. i know he doesnt treat other girls like this but i dont know what to do i dont know how to get over it even ignoring phone calls wont work and i want to be with him but not in a relationship i just am tierd of these games what should i do

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If you don't like the way you are being treated or was treated. Just leave the situation. Yea it wont change what has apready happened, but woudl you rather harp on it?


I think a few nights of superficial, recreational sex may be enough to get your feelings hurt, but not enough to keep them hurt. Just move on, he'll be back. But, by then you will have your senses and not allow that to happen again. If he doesn't no loss to you.


There's more than enough men that can do what he can do in bed. Maybe even better :D

Im sure even one of them could be a nice guy too.


Nice guys, are the few that don't know any better. Get them while they are young.

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see my only issue is that he does keep comming back and when he does he treats me so much diffrently compaired to most girls i just think hes so used to being a player that he doesnt want to get to attached but who knows its a mystory to me i just dont know if i should keep him around or toss him out because im tierd of being played and acting like i dont know what hes about. maybe i should just talk to him, becasue many a times i have, he does stay around after we fight, but it does get to him so that might be an option.


thank u for your reply though it gave me alot to consider and i really appreasiate it

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