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She likes me, she likes me not.

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I broke up with my long term gf about 4 months ago and I guess my friend decided to help me, so he gave my number to one of his friends (a girl).


Well me and this girl seemingly hit it off. She started calling me pretty soon after and we talked for hours every night, falling asleep on the phone. We video chat all the time, we actually watched an entire movie together in video chat, which is a little weird I guess. Also, my Sometimes she mentions this guy that she likes and I try to be the "nice guy" and help her out. Lately she started talking about how she's getting over him because there is a "new guy" in her life.


I guess her friend heard about all of this and told her it sounded like I liked her. She goes and asks my friend who introduced us to find out. Now in truth, I may not have strong feelings for her, but I wouldn't be against this relationship going anywhere else.


Well he asked me and this is how it went:

Him: Do you like her?

Me: Haha, no, I just like talking to her.


I only said no because I don't want to ruin what we have right now. She's now afraid things will be awkward between us, but she still calls me every night and in the morning and texts me throughout the day.


So do you think she likes me? Or is she just really flirty?

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She might like you right now because you are a way for her to talk about what is going on in her life. I wouldn't say you are a target of opportunity, but in a way you are. It's the age old catch-22 when you meet a girl on the rebound or even if she's not on the rebound. You want to be there for her to show her you care about her, but the more you make yourself available to her to quicker you get dumped into the friends zone. It makes no sense to me other than the more you are there for her, the less mysterious you become therefore the less attractive in a sexual way you become. You become a love to her, but it's the love in the I love you like a brother way.


I'm not saying don't be there for her, but at the same time you need to try to remain a mystery to her. I know it's hard. I myself had this happen to me. The girl would call me up crying that she was scared about staying the night in her new apartment in the city so I would always go over there to comfort her. The more I did this, the more she saw me as a brother/protector figure. Did Lois Lane ever bang Superman? But, how do you turn down a girl you care about at 1am when she's crying that she's scared? That's tough. But I think I made myself too available in day to day situations and those are the ones where you can back down on and not hurt your chances. So sometimes it may be OK to say you're busy and can't talk right now.


Also, you have to cut out the middle man in this. If you have feelings for her or really want to talk to her, then do it yourself. You should not be using a go between person at this point. I think it's still way too early to really tell if she has deeper feelings for you. You two need to spend some physical time together, not just chatting over the internet. You need to be able to start to read her body language towards you so you might be able to get a better sense of her feelings.


Keep the faith man. Robot women aren't too far off and then we won't have to deal with this. At least the robot women will come with a manual and a reset button.

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