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what is happening?my best friend and i wanting to form relationships! HELP PLZ!!

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Firstly to start off i have fallen in love with my best friend, and i know that he feels the same way too. But the thing that gets me is that he has asked me out and i have said yes, but we have never seem to got around goin out on a date.


we both have part time jobs, working for the same company and the same department too, but ever since he has asked me out hes been saying how he plans to 'get off' with the new starters, which makes me feel so small. i decided to confide in my friend about this, and she went up and confronted him.


she sed to him do u like her? n he replied yes and i have done for quite some time, n she said well stop saying all this about the new starters and ask her out properly, he sed but how can i? shes gorgeous n all the lads with spikey hair n flash cars are after her. n she replied well if she wanted them she would have them but she likes you!


Then he was saying that me and him are very close n he doesnt want to jeopadise our friendship, n that he is scared because he is a virgin (so am i), well my friend replied well u r just gonna have to get over your insecurities and talk things through with her. (by the way he doesnt know that my friend has told me about all this) so later on he said to me we need to talk i was like yeah ok, that was on friday and i havent heard from him since no phone call, no text message not even on msn messenger! when i try to get in touch with him he doesnt relpy!


What is going on? what is he scared of? please help!


thank you


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From reading your post :He might feel he's not good enough for you or you might quickly loose interest in him,because he don't have a flashy car or what ever it may be.

he doesn't want to loose you as a friend, would be another factor playing in his mind.

He might also be fearing rejection.

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Originally posted by VASH THE STAMPEDE

he doesn't want to loose you as a friend, would be another factor playing in his mind.

Most friendships end after a bad relationship or a broken heart.

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He sounds like he's a bit insecure. Losing you as a friend may be a point in his mind, or it may just be something that he tells himself so that he doesn't have to ask you out. You, however, sound like you're interested in him as being something more than a friend. If so, you could ask him out if you wanted to. That way, he'd know for certain that you were interested in him, and it may just be the ice breaker he needs. Do what feels most comfortable for you.

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They do have a good point...

based on past and current experiences and observations. GOOD friends that got in a relationship, but ended it for unkown reasons....even though they might occasionally keep in contact every now and then. Or later on in life just lose contact altogether..(which i've seen happen to my 23 yr old bro.) People come and go in life, it happens.


I have a good friend and my feelings twards her are a little confusing. but when i think of all the good times we have together and thinking if we ever became more than good friends..there are times where I might feel like how your friend is feeling ( not wanting to ruin a good current relationship) I understand perfectly how he feels



But hey, it wouldn't hurt to at least talk it over. You guys might end up regretting what could've been if you've never at least tried it.

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i would like to thank everyone who replied to my post! it has been a great help. and i would like to state that he FINALLY told me how he felt about me, and i ended up telling him, we are now going out with one another! and i have never been happier!


thank you



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