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What should i say when i am talking to women?


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There is this girl that i met and we have been going to this same school together and i see her about 45 min of the day anyway we have been doing this school thing for about 5 weeks and i noticed her the first day but i dont know if she noticed me until just now because she just started to talk to me and i need to know what should i say because i think i was born without the ability to talk to women or something and i am a little bit shy we had a small conversation for say about 15 to 20 min of the time i see her but i had no clyue what to say to her so she started the convo with her asking where i got my coat so i answered old navy then i started to ask her a lil about her self and she asked a lil more about me but the problem is that i cant really keep the conversation going there are always these lil ya know awkward silences well i need to know what to say to keep these awkward silences out of the conversation so it cancontinue for the entire time i see her but i need to know like what topics to bring up that sort of thing?

and anyones and everyones help will be greatly appreciated thank you.

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Start off by asking if she has any brothers or sisters.Say something about the weather.Then ask her what she thinks of the things that are going on, in the news.Tell her about the kind of things, you like doing.Ask her what tv shows she likes to watch or if she watches tv.Tell her how your day is.Ask her,how her day was.


If you see something you like,that she is wearing,ask her where she got it,like she asked you,where you got your coat.And you answered "Old Navy" Then you could of added something like this,Do you like the clothes they have at Old Navy? I love to shop there! You could of said.


Tell her what you think of some of your teachers.When you first see her,ask her,how she is doing.Thats another way to start a conversation and sometimes those kinds of conversations can go on and on. If my bf ask me how Im doing,I will tell him how my day goes at work and what I did and sometimes will even tell him the problems Im having at work. And the conversation goes on for so long we nearly talk on the phone for an hour.


If you really have a hard time finding things to say, start off by talking about the weather.You can say something like"Gee its a gorgous day today,dont you think"


Hope I was able to help.


Personally, I like Old Navy myself and get my clothes there.



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How do you talk to men that you don't know? Women aren't that different when you don't know them.. i mean the main part of your shyness is that it is a stranger, so treat her like any stranger - get to know them with questions that require more than a "yes/no" answer.


As for her being a girl, well i guess just don't rant on too much about football or something, or be overly crude... but essentially


BE YOURSELF! and have some confidence :)

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