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Women have all the luck

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I just wondered is it me or does it seem to me that women don't like to be single for very long? I have a friend at work who is recently been going through a very hard time. (her marriage is ending after only a short while) Anyway I really liked her, she is a sweet woman and I would settle down with her in a heartbeat. She's awesome. Long story short, I sort of told her how I felt and she told me that she is not interested in dating and only wants to be friends. I have mentioned this in one of my other post. I know it probably wasn't the smartest thing to do, however I just wanted to let her know how I felt. I was disappointed, however I'm ok with a friendship.


I guess the point is that I have some issues that I am trying to sort out, and I have been single for quite some time now. (again see my other post) It is getting so frustrating. My coworker friend (one above) tried to cheer me up by telling me that I will meet somebody someday...ect..ect. However I guess that what I am trying to say is I know she will find someone before I do, believe me, she is very attractive, smart, outgoing and fun. She is everything you could ask for in a woman. I guess I get frustrated because here I am trying to cope with loneliness and get myself out there and meet new people and hopefully form new friendships and companionships, and for women it seems that when they are ready to move on "poof" there they are right back in the dating scene. Don't get me wrong, even though it will be hard to see her dating other men, I do want her to be happy. She deserves it, especially after the way her soon to be ex treated her.


I hope I don't offend any women but, they do have the advantages. I know I am not a guy that women would jump at, but this is getting tiresome. :(


Thanks for listening

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It's all in how you perceive it. However, men are generally horny bastards and women generally have to fend them off. Women are more tactile in who them seek out but are just as horny. Women aren't just like us guys when at first sight we're like dogs dry humping the girls leg.


Don't believe me? Try this out. Go to a bar with one of your girl friends. Don't go in together, but separate. Take separate tables or seats at the bar far apart. At the end of the night see who gets the most free drinks, numbers, hit on, etc.


I'm guessing the guy loses all the time.

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I went to a bar one night with two of my buddies and one of my girl friends. She got up and left the table once by herself and she got hit on twice between our table and the ATM. :cool:

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It's all in how you perceive it. However, men are generally horny bastards and women generally have to fend them off. Women are more tactile in who them seek out but are just as horny. Women aren't just like us guys when at first sight we're like dogs dry humping the girls leg.


Don't believe me? Try this out. Go to a bar with one of your girl friends. Don't go in together, but separate. Take separate tables or seats at the bar far apart. At the end of the night see who gets the most free drinks, numbers, hit on, etc.


I'm guessing the guy loses all the time.


First off that's a bull**** analogy women can and are just as horny as men. You can't call it lame because its programed into your genes.


Women do have more luck it's a damn fact but the same is true for men. I been single for awhile myself I meet a couple of women and I get very picky its supply and demand.


Let me put it this way if lets say there are 20 guys and 10 women those 10 women will be extremely picky but if there are 10 guys 20 women the same will hold true. There is more competition when there is less supply that's why AT THE BAR where men out number women you see that kind of doucheness.

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If we're talking straight women, I don't think that being attracted to and involved with men is a sign of having "all the luck." There is a good chance, for instance, that this friend of yours will end up with someone else who treats her just as badly as her "soon to be ex" did. I really don't envy women their man-wooing powers ;)

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It depends on what you consider luck. If it's getting laid, then yes, it's easier for women since it's men who normally do the pursuing.


If it's finding relationship material, it depends on how particular you are. If you're extremely picky, it's going to take longer for either gender, to find someone compatible.

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Maybe it's just the part of the world Ilive in, but it's been my observation that most women (except for the few rare nymphos) can hold out until the day after forever without male companionship... so, even if, say, all of us men ever went on strike, it wouldn't accomplish a thing.

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Well, from a personal perspective, it's probably the fact that after a breakup, I'm usually pretty emotionally worn out.


So until I start to feel better again, I can't even be *bothered* chasing. So, unless you're a unusually attractive man (or the naturally approachable kind..) you're out of luck until you recharge a bit.


Given that as a man, I'm kind of expected to do most of the chasing, it means getting back into the dating scene takes quite a bit longer.


That said, I suppose if women had a nasty breakup, she might not be so keen to get out there and be open to a new relationship.


I guess it depends on the situation.

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well I agree it's easier for a girl to sleep with a guy.

if she is just out of relationship, she can just go to bar and sleep with some decent guy who approaches her. but that doesn't mean, it's easier for them to be in a serious relationship.


Come on, just because they can sleep with someone by spreading their legs doesn't mean they have advantages over you in terms of dating.

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well I agree it's easier for a girl to sleep with a guy.

if she is just out of relationship, she can just go to bar and sleep with some decent guy who approaches her. but that doesn't mean, it's easier for them to be in a serious relationship.


Come on, just because they can sleep with someone by spreading their legs doesn't mean they have advantages over you in terms of dating.


That absolutely is an advantage. It means that they don't have to be concerned about getting certain needs filled which contributes DIRECTLY to an advantage in the dating world.


Serious relationships are a different affair, but I don't think he's talking about serious relationships.

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If merely reaching a sexual climax is a "need", then men don't have to worry about that, either.


And if being mauled by some hairy ape constitutes a "need" for women, then that is a terrible burden as far as I'm concerned; right up there with having a need to jump out plate glass windows on a regular schedule.

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