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perminant quiz


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I put it into my head that the best way to be happy is to simply let things run there coarse. And i still stand bye this. There is nothing wrong with the way we are doing are relationship. It's a little less then seriose, but more than casual.


Anywho, i took this online quiz.

And my results were an 11/10 ish on the borderline realy becouse one question realy had 2 answers to it. It irks me how peeps could put up these little tests, but yet i'm still drawn to take them. -_-UU


So what's my point? Well, i'm not exactly sure, i suppose i just neaded to stand on my soap box and holler. LOL, but honestly, i think it's a fine thing to take a relationship slowly and at a relaxed pace. I'm in no hurry to do the heavy commitment thing, and i see no reason why the nice relationship i have now can't eventualy become a bit more full blown. I've heard many success storys about people who didn't realy get to see each other and then it changed and there like married now, or liveing together stuff like that.


And happily jon and i see each other as a perminant stay in our lives, i can now feel comfortable talking to him like he's going to be there for a long time. I see no reason why he wouldn't be. ^_^ Anywho, take the silly quiz if ya like, and coment all you want.


Vixen :bunny:

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What's the moral of this POST.

Why test for something thats not guaranteed?

And what the hell are you talking about?

Everytime I see your posts you confuse the crap out of me.

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