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ok woke up today with a really blood shot eye (the right one)


didnt get much sleep so could be that? should i go to the doc or see it out and let it do its thing. and if it isnt healed go tomorrow?


its a little sore feels bruised kind of but only when i close my eye

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Was your eye crusty or gunky when you woke up? Because sometimes pink eye and make your eye look blood shot. I Doubt its due to lack of sleep. I'd watch it and if it does not go away check with your doc,



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hey mea, no it wasnt gunky or crusty :S


i got some eye drops from local chemist. will see what happens. pardon the pun but i'll keep an eye on it.


god what hav i become x

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hey mea, no it wasnt gunky or crusty :S


i got some eye drops from local chemist. will see what happens. pardon the pun but i'll keep an eye on it.


god what hav i become x



LOL. Well do keep an eye on it.;) The drops may very well work. Could be related to an allergy of some sort as well. Of course these are just guesses. I'm about as far away from a doc as your going to get.:laugh:



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lol. well its still red after taking some drops yesterday. if its still red on mon, the doctors it is

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well the red eye sorted itself out. now i have had an itchy bum for 4 or 5 days lol. and i dont think its worms. it seems to have cleared up now so should be fine. will give it till wed and make a decision

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