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Men stay attractive longer then women and Peek later in life

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Yep...when I think of my high school reunion (and college reunion, come to that), I have to say that on the whole, the men weren't doing so well. :) Many of the guys simply did NOT age gracefully (looked puffy/worn out, balding, got fatter), while many of the women looked pretty good. I actually wonder if it's because some guys take it as a truism that they'll age gracefully, so they just don't bother to try, while women expend effort to remain attractive. On the whole, the effort seems to be the most important factor, I'd say. Based from what I saw.



I bet it is the married guys that looked beatdown.

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Huh? I so disagree. I'm 32 and I HATE older men. Ugh, I can spot an older man from a mile away and I RUN for the hills. I avoid any spots that house old men trying to prey on younger women. Even if you shave off that mustache I can still look at those fine lines and wrinkles and played out clothing and know that you are an OLD MAN! I don't date anyone more than 4 years older than me and the bain of my existence is 40+ men that are super thirsty for a wife and want to talk marriage within months of meeting you! Sorry, I refuse to date an older man that has whored around for years and now would like to capitalize on my 32 year old eggs. No Thank You! M mother if 53 and she looks GOOD! She's maintained her figure and hasn't gained any weight over the years. My father is 54 and also looks good so it really depends on the women.


P.S. Please don't shave off your mustache, instead of making you look younger it really makes you look CREEPY!


P.S. Even if you look young that back ache that you'll receive from trying to keep up with me will SHOW your age. Ha!


P.S.S Women reach their sexual peek in their 30s where as men reach it in their late teens/early 20s. So, I'd prefer the younger man anyday vs. the older man that can't hang with me sexually.

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Since you obviously have some kind little obsession with men, thinking they're so awesome and better at everything than women...


maybe you should date a man so there is an end to all this, "Men are so much better than women at everything, durka durka," crap.


I'm pretty sure you're openly homo-sexual, if not then a closet homosexual.

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mr.dream merchant

Men certainly do peek at around 30. At 20 years old, I feel like a boy compared to someone 24, 25, 26 + years of age. I doubt males stop growing at 18.

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.... afraid of aging and death within themselves ....


Well I'll be the first to tell you I don't want to die. Can you crack open a calendar and pick the date you would like to die?

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Well technically of course all humans age about the same. The focus of this place is on dating and marriage and so on though so that changes the way we're evaluating things.


To me, the things that seem to make a man attractive as a potential mate to most women seem to peak much later in life, whereas the things that make a male attractive to women as a sex toy peak about age 19.


Interestingly almost the reverse seems true of women; many guys like mature women for casual sex but will only consider marriage to one if they can't get 'better'.

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mr.dream merchant

That is true. Attractive older women just seem like they'd be great FWB, I don't know why.

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Well I'll be the first to tell you I don't want to die. Can you crack open a calendar and pick the date you would like to die?

Oh do stop being so dramatic...


Fear of dying isn't something that's big on my list of worries. For certain it doesn't affect my partner choice beyond wanting someone who lives a healthy lifestyle.

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Men remain sexualy attractive for a longer time span then women, Men also peak in attractiveness later in life then women. Maybe its an evelutionary advantage since womens best reproductive years are when they are young and men can reproduce throughout their life if fertile and given the oportunity.



Ohhh boy.. I have to disagree with that statement.. I think it's the contrary.. I agree that men and women who do not take care of themselves do age fast.. but, if you compare both a man and a woman who DO take care of themselves.. then the woman will look much better than the man...


I cannot date men my age.. because they all look like 'little old men' to me.. gray hair.. tonus down.. skin.. etc. ...:o

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.... if you compare both a man and a woman who DO take care of themselves.. then the woman will look much better than the man...


But is 'looking much better' the sole measurement of aging well? I'm not sure it is.

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But is 'looking much better' the sole measurement of aging well? I'm not sure it is.


Why not... it's a good start.. an excellent sign.. :D

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I also find that people become more beautiful when they have experienced life. Young 20 somethings can be physically appealing but I find myself more attracted to people who have faced challenges in life and come out on the other side.


I agree. Someone could look pretty or young, but if they lack depth to their character then there really isn't much to them or much to discover. I think often that is the causality of age getting you respect because of those life experiences.

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I don't think men peek later in life.


This stupid little 11-year old kid that lives down the street is always peeking on the high school girls that live next door. He's getting a ton of peeking done at only age 11!

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Interestingly almost the reverse seems true of women; many guys like mature women for casual sex but will only consider marriage to one if they can't get 'better'.


I think people have blown this cougar thing so much out of proportion. Older women can remain attractive to older men, for sex and for marriage, particularly if they have not become embittered and jaded. Why is that so hard for some people to stomach? Although dating can become harder at a certain age, compatibility can occur anytime in a person's life.

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I think people have blown this cougar thing so much out of proportion. Older women can remain attractive to older men, for sex and for marriage, particularly if they have not become embittered and jaded. Why is that so hard for some people to stomach?


Of all the couples I know, the vast majority of the women were married when they were in their 20s or early 30s. The men were married everywhere from 20s to 40s.

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Of all the couples I know, the vast majority of the women were married when they were in their 20s or early 30s. The men were married everywhere from 20s to 40s.


I'm not saying there's no truth to the fact dating becomes harder for women past a certain age, but rather was trying to demonstrate my dislike of the attitude, that women have an expiry date or at best are only good for FWB after that


I think there's a whole lot of socioeconomic and geographic variance, as well.


I'd say these days, marriage in the mid or late thirties is pretty common for a woman, and though marriage in the forties is rarely, it's still a viable possibility.


Besides, marriage isn't the only indicator of happiness. Many older women find themselves in happy LTR's with older men. I know of several widowed or divorced women that have been happily dating someone for several years, usually someone around their age or older.

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Yeah, but Mickey's is a special case. ROught childhood, major issues, drugs, etc. Oh, and the boxing career (which explains the hatchet face).


It's not a special case. There are PLENTY of men who age badly, particularly those who have fleshy or boyish features (Rourke is the fleshy type). Or those who go bald.


Lifestyle is certainly a contributing factor, but I believe it has more to do with facial type and genes than anything.


Christian Slater was pretty much as hot as it gets at 19:






James Spader was cute at 22:





Already less hot in his early thirties:



And now in his forties:




Warren Beatty was smokin' in his early twenties:



He held up well until about his mid thirties, then got progressively less




and less cute






Marlon Brando


Mid twenties at his ultimate peak:




Here he is at the age of 39, way past his prime:



Well, we all know what he turned into eventually...


Robert Redford:








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I think people have blown this cougar thing so much out of proportion. Older women can remain attractive to older men, for sex and for marriage, particularly if they have not become embittered and jaded. Why is that so hard for some people to stomach? Although dating can become harder at a certain age, compatibility can occur anytime in a person's life.



If we take kids all out of the equation - most certainly yes. But as far as a relationship with potential of marriage between an younger man and an older woman is concerned, that's less likely. (Older man and older woman - sure - they have either already had kids, or don't plan on any).

I, and most men I know wouldn't kick Sarah Palin out of their bed (the vomit-inducing personality notwithstanding). But, at the age of 40+, she gave birth to a retarded baby. I.e. the likelihood of pregnancy complicatoins after certain age is not just a myth. Of course, it is not a death sentense either, but an increased probability of problems to consider.

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Spin, spin, spin, here we go again. Where it stops, nobody knows!

  1. It could be that men take forever to mature, thus many get married later in life, than women do. What woman wants Peter Pan (no offense to the member who uses peter pan for a username.).
  2. It could also be that women in their forties and older, already did the marriage/kids route, and have found they prefer to be single, due to the freedom aspect.

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Spin, spin, spin, here we go again. Where it stops, nobody knows!
  1. It could be that men take forever to mature, thus many get married later in life, than women do. What woman wants Peter Pan (no offense to the member who uses peter pan for a username.).
  2. It could also be that women in their forties and older, already did the marriage/kids route, and have found they prefer to be single, due to the freedom aspect.



While 1. is nothing to be embarassed about, 2. is an additional reason to shy away from such a woman - who would want a partner who in all likelihood walked out on her husband once he was no longer 'needed'?

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While 1. is nothing to be embarassed about, 2. is an additional reason to shy away from such a woman - who would want a partner who in all likelihood walked out on her husband once he was no longer 'needed'?

#1 kind of man makes me run for my life. I don't want to change nappies for both husband and children.

#2 type of women are usually upfront about not looking for marriage. I sincerely doubt that all men are marriage minded, when dating...

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If we take kids all out of the equation - most certainly yes. But as far as a relationship with potential of marriage between an younger man and an older woman is concerned, that's less likely. (Older man and older woman - sure - they have either already had kids, or don't plan on any).

I, and most men I know wouldn't kick Sarah Palin out of their bed (the vomit-inducing personality notwithstanding). But, at the age of 40+, she gave birth to a retarded baby. I.e. the likelihood of pregnancy complicatoins after certain age is not just a myth. Of course, it is not a death sentense either, but an increased probability of problems to consider.


Yabutt.. what makes you think that the complications came from the woman.. what if the sperm are waaayyy too old.. and become damaged :o

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It would help Mickey out at least a little if he would trim his nose hairs.


I agree with Shadow's comment about the boyish, cheeky face sometimes aging badly. Paul McCartney comes to mind.

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Men who go for much younger women: Even if you marry a younger woman, she'll get older and less attractive with age. Will you just dump her for a newer model when she does? Or cheat on her?

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It would help Mickey out at least a little if he would trim his nose hairs.


I agree with Shadow's comment about the boyish, cheeky face sometimes aging badly. Paul McCartney comes to mind.


True, but oh, Charlesn Bronson does it so right... :love:

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