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I really want to go out with this girl

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Common problem I know, but I desperately need advice. I couldn't speak to her for a month. It was only during a trip our club went to did I have the courage to talk to her. I tried my best to initiate as many conversations with her as I could. I got a hug at the end, which made me feel great. But back at school, I feel as if all the progress I made was lost. I now have the courage to talk to her, but so far they have been less than one minute conversations. I felt really depressed today. When I got home, I was angry. I feel better now, but I can't stand the way I feel. If I don't do something soon, I will explode. Maybe I should just ask her out, but my doubts are too great. She might tell me she has boyfriend. I don't think she does since I see her only hanging out with girls, but I could be wrong. Even worse if she outright rejects me. I couldn't bear it. I have never asked a girl out before. And she is the only one I have ever had such strong feelings for. If she did that to me, I would probably retreat and never speak to her again. And what if she said yes, where would we go? I don't know where all the "cool" places to go are, what am I to do then? Since I don't have my permit, my mom would have to drive us and pick us up. Am I thinking too much about it? I need detailed help. I really do. I don't have the skills needed to do this. I wish she wouldn't be so shy and tell me what she feels. Maybe I should ask her how she feels about me? It is really embarrassing for me to post this, so please be kind. Make me feel better about this.

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Why dont you ask if she has a boyfriend first ,being that is a very important part of talking to her.If she dont go from there,I dunno ,I guess I would ask her to the movies w/ some friends ,that way its not your mother taking you there.

If she rejects you do feel harsh or hateful just be her friend and then maybe her feeling for you would grow..

Dont worry about your post being embarrassing, ITS NOT.

We all have questions that need answering and THIS IS THE BEST PLACE TO ASK....

God I love it here.......

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  • 2 weeks later...

Don't even ask if she has a boyfriend. Just ask her out. If you ask if she has a boyfriend and then she says "Yes, why do you ask?" Then what?! "Oh, um, well...just curious, I guess." That's a wimp response. That's not being manly. Women want men, not boys.


Just ask her out - no apologies! Make it plain as day what your intent is, and let the chips fall where they may. If she has a boyfriend, she has a boyfriend. She'll respect you deep down inside for at least having the courage to ask her. If she is a beauty queen then she's by now used to the fact that 9 out of 10 guys don't have the b@lls to ask her out. She respects the 1 in 10 who do, even if she is in no way attracted to them.


The problem here is that you've built her up to be some kind of Goddess, which she ain't. I'm sure she's a very nice girl, but chances are, you're both going to go through quite a number of different partners before settling down.


Don't worry about rejection, either. Even the macho-ist of all the macho men and the smoothest of the smooth operators out there have been brushed aside by someone they admire. They won't tell you about it, but trust me they have.

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First off, you shouldnt out of the blue ask fi she has feelings. if she doesnt, it will make things more weird for her whenever she is around you and she might try to keep a distance. It's possible to find if she has a boyfriend or not, but i woudlnt recommend it as this line is used almost often by guys and might see what you're trying to do. ..sorry i dont remember often used one..i dont remember the original well. "(ask a question that already implies an assumption she has a bf; question pertaining to him)"


i feel the same with my friend which i like, sometimes i get angry with her because i keep giving and she isnt giving, only receiving. such as in the conversations i bring up questions about her when she hardly does it for me. I get angry today when she didnt want to hang out because i feel she might be trying to keep a distance from me. but i got over it. As long as you dont keep thinking about it and go do something else that helps your mind get off her you'll cool down like me. i get angry when i feel sometimes she is acting selfish, but that's the case when you have emotions for someone because you want something more out of the relationship.

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Part of the problem is that high school is this pseudo world that you experience for four years and then leave behind for the rest of your life. When you're in school, though, the toughest thing is to face judgment from your fellow peers. They, after all, are obsessed with dividing people into "winners" and "losers", "studs" and "geeks". It's sometimes hard to overcome all of this. I'm convinced that some geeks are simply way too mature and too smart for high school, and simply have a hard time relating to the 95 percent of people who aren't on their level intellectually and otherwise. So the other 95 percent see this disparity and try to make you feel bad for something that you'd otherwise feel blessed for the moment you graduate. Some people just have a hard time in high school. If this is you, trust me when I tell you that high school doesn't mean crap. It's nothing. It's the most insignficant period in your life. You'll see what I'm talking about ten years from now when your class President is asking you whether you want fries with your Big Mac. Just ride the storm.


In the meantime, you can do your best to survive this jungle by playing it cool with the ladies. Whether it's high school or the office, I've found that the guys who end up getting the chicks have something that chicks dig: confidence. They somehow get the chicks to go after them. They don't try or waste their time going after women who don't initially show any interest. They wait patiently and pursue the ones who give them the cues, and don't waste their time in doing it. They're methodical in their approach. They're patient, but they're direct and to the point. They're not afraid to let a girl know exactly what their game is, though all the while they're telling them "Hey, I like you, but I don't need you to make me who I am. If you dig my vibe, well let's hook up. If not, well, adios, baby." Of course they don't actually say THAT, but the message is clear all the same.


Took me long enough, but that approach works for me as well. But hell, even the smoothest of operators (which I'm certainly not) sometimes forget or breakdown or choke like the Boston Red Sox in the 8th inning. That's why I'm here. To remind myself of what to do so I don't choke as much.

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