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Not sure if this fits the abuse criteria forum


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I'm deciding today whether to break up with my girlfriend of 1 year and 6 months after what just happened 3 days ago. See long ago in our 7th month of our relationship when we had an argument like every couple has she twisted my wrist hard that it hurt but claimed to have only joke around. To me it looked pretty serious so I had my doubts but took her word that it was rather a playful accident.


Everything went well then. Forward to the present, 3 days ago in an argument she drove her car very fast I thought we were going to have an accident or lose our lives. When I asked ''What the hell was that all about, you scared the **** out of me, you crazy'', her response was ''Well you were pissing me off''.


Anyways she went on apologizing saying that she never meant to put our lifes in danger, that it was not to happened again. I don't know, this is the second inicidence now and thus I have my doubts.

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No offense but do you also do stuff like that? not saying you do but some times people do these things in response to some one else 1st..


If the answer is no then the wrist thing is bad no one has a right to touch any one else like that you have a right to be upset thats not a joke.


The car thing is creepy Ive been there I think thats a form of mental abuse to be honest def a control issue.


At best she has big probs controlling her anger which if left unchecked can def lead to abuse and yes even men can be abused.


Maybe suggest to go into some couples counseling together if the relationships worth it to you..

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Her over-reaction to both incidents is self-destructive, thoughtless, reckless, careless and downright ABUSIVE.


Tell her seriously, frankly, openly, no-nonsense, that this is unacceptable.

This, by the way, is not up for discussion.

She either deals with her anger through Anger Management - or you walk away - here and now.


her choice.

It's one or the other.


And tell her, there and then, to choose.


You'll pretty soon get your response.

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