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I can't read him...Can you?

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Ok, I have written about this guy before and things, I feel are going a little better, I think, why don't you guys tell me :)


Ok, so I met this guy and we seemed to hit it off a little, we switched numbers and we talked and hung out a couple of times, well after about the 1st week we were becoming good friends and all of the sudden he was calling me just 1 time a week....


Well Last Wednesday I called him because I had a real good advertising idea for his band, so I wanted to tell him about it. I wanted to let him know about it that night because my idea could only work if he did it on a Thursday, so I called and he didn't answer, so I hung up instead of leaving a voicemail. Then I started thinking and I decided that I would leave a voicemail since I really wanted him to advertise. So I call his cell phone back and got ready to leave a message when I hear "Hello?" It was him!


So, After a slight freak out {he caught me off gaurd, I didn't think he would answer} I said hi and told him my idea then decided to make it short and sweet and I told him that I just wanted to let him know about that and that I would let him go, but he was like no no no wait, how has your week been going, so we chit chatted and he told me that he was so thankful to me for thinking of him and coming up with a great idea to advertise and that He thought I was so awesome blah blah blah Then he goes, by the way I am sorry I haven't called you as much, Don't think I am blowing you off because I'm not, it's just when I first met you, my life was dead, I didn't do much, but then right after I met you, you must be my good luck charm because My business {He also has his own business aside from his band} and my band took off and I got real busy doing both that I haven't had anytime for anything, other than my business and my band, but I promise that when the band starts getting gigs then you will be the first person I call to come and watch us play.


He is a very sweet guy, he has never been a jerk to me and I really want to get to know him. But I guess my question is...Do you think I should stick with it since I have strong feelings for this guy, do you think he is interested in me or just being nice? He told me he would call me this weekend and see what I am up to and we could hang out if I didn't have nothing else to do, he is a very casual guy, So, what should I do?

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i'd just see if he calls on the weekend (you'll certainly be already busy with other plans though). if he calls, just tell him (or when you call back) - tell him that you wish you had time to meet up, so next time it's best to set plans several days in advance.


that's my view,


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that He thought I was so awesome


I don't think a guy who's not interested would tell a girl how awesome she is, it sounds like there may be something more than just friendship developing here. Give it some time, I'm sure you'll figure out where he's coming from before too long, especially if he keeps his word about contacting you.

It also sounds like his reasons for not contacting you are legit. I'd just play it cool and see where it goes.

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i'd just see if he calls on the weekend (you'll certainly be already busy with other plans though). if he calls, just tell him (or when you call back) - tell him that you wish you had time to meet up, so next time it's best to set plans several days in advance.


Bah, humbug. Games are for kids. If you're home, answer. If not, call back and if he wants to arrange to see you, go for it. I hate all this falseness. If you're home, you're home and if you're available, you're available. You either have a life or you do not and, in either case, pretending otherwise is just dishonest. Be who you are and then, if he likes you, you'll know he likes the real you.

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i never said she shouldn't pick up if she's at home. but i did say that she shouldn't not make plans because he might call. no games.



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Sorry, yes. Thought you meant that she should pretend she has plans. I stand corrected.

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What I would do is wait and see what happens BUT dont say no to whose who have always been in your life as he may not deliever and you are left twiddling your thumbs on a friday night...not fun at all! :(

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I'ma make this short, and sweet....The man has got other girls in his life. I'm sorry to tell you that but if all what you just said is true then He has other girls he's talkin to and your the one that he calls when he has TIME!!! Trust me I've done that be 4 and all my boys doesn it to

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Well, I apprecite all of your guy's responses, I have taken each one in consideration, even


robnizzy's-....I don't think he is that type of guy but I will be looking for signs and if I prove it then I know he didn't want anything more. I think that may be true to people who choose to act like that, but there are guys out there who do tell the truth and who are actually busy, I believe him to this point and I will continue to trust him until he gives me reasons not to.


Josie-Don't get me wrong, I think this guy is great and I would love to get to know him better, but not at my friends and family's expense, I am true to my word and if I promise to do something with someone else I will not break plans, I have had that happen to me way to much and I would never want to ruin other relationships like that, but thank you for the reminder :)


Yes and Moimeme-Thank you guys too :) I am more of the laid back person that if someone wants to do something and I don't have anything else planned then I will make plans. I see both of your guy's views and and I will keep it in mind when I talk to him next :) Thanks!


Nazima-You make alot of sense and I thank you for it, I will play it cool and see what developes, I would be happy just being his friend, he awesome and I will take it slow, no hurry!


Thanks to everyone! You guys are the best :)

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