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How Can I Tell?

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I have a friend that I like more than a friend but I don't know if he likes me more than a friend. Ok, here are the signs:


1. When I look at him sometimes, he's looking at me and we look in eachothers eyes. This happens for a few seconds. Like when something happens, I'll look at him to see his reaction and he'll look at me and we are both staring.


2. He finds little reasons to hug me. Like 'dumb' reasons. Like a thanks for doing that hug, etc.


3. He also seems to find ways to touch me in passing. Like when I pass him, he touches my arm.. stuff like that.


4. He calls and texts for dumb reasons. For stuff that he could have told me in person.


5. When he drinks, he tends to flirt with me alot. But I don't know if that is valid because I don't really know how people are supposed to subconsiously act when they are tipsy drunk or whatever. I can usually control myself when I drink but do people usually give themselves away or tell the truth when they drink???


Ok Guys... this is where I need you. What do you do when you like a woman? Do any of these signs seem like he likes me or is into me?


Thanks in advance for your responses. :bunny:

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Sounds like he does, if he always wants to touch you (the hugging and bumping into you all the time). It sounds like he likes you :)


Unfortunately, I'm a girl, but I'll give it my best shot at what guys normally do when they like a girl:


~ If he's shy, he'll look at you when you're not looking, then when you look at him he turns away (one way to see if he likes you (saw this online): called the Clock Test. If you can tell that he's looking at you, quickly look at the clock then immediately look at him. If you see him looking at the clock, he was watching you)

~ Will call/text/email you about the littlest thing, just to talk to you

~ Bumps into you in passing

~ He seems to always show up when you do (like if you're in school and you're going to a class he's not in, he'll be outside the class looking for you or something like that)

~ Smiles at you a lot (if he's shy he'll blush)


Umm...probably missing a lot more other clues but those are the ones off the top of my head.

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LOL of course he likes you. He most likely is shy. The question is do you like him and what do you want?

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Somedude.....Yes I like him alot. When I say he calls or text for dumb reasons... I actually find it cute!!!


I just want to be sure he likes me because I have been wrong before. Sometimes I think maybe he is just being nice!

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I know that when I like a woman, I will spend a lot of time with her when I can, invite her to stuff, etc. Eventually I will just tell her. I'm pretty upfront with this kind of stuff. But it sounds like he is giving all the signs.

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OK now we have two people who like each other, how to get them together? After what I've just went through, (see my thread) I know what I would tell him, I'd tell him to be more affectionate and try to go for the kiss.


But since you are the girl I can't really say anything. Hopefully one of the ladies here can tell you what to do. I'll just say next time you hug, squeeze him a little tighter and look deeply into his eyes. I'd melt if that happened to me.

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Thanks Charles and Monkophile! :)


Also, I forgot to mention that it seems like he talks about me with his friends because they will say stuff to him like...'Yea... (insert my real name) is the bomb!!' ... stuff like that. And when I meet his friends sometimes... it seems like they already know me.


I mean I can't be sure about this because I am not there when he talks to them... but I am not stupid either.


Plus he calls me by a nick name that he's givin me which ironically is the same nick name my family uses. (He doesn't know that though).


Anyway... I'm a pretty fiery girl and I don't let any man (or anyone) step on me.. and I am quick to cuss someome out and he knows this... which is crazy because I think if he does like me... is part of his attraction to me. But maybe he is shy because of this... IDK!!


I don't want him to only be physically attracted to me. I want him to like me like I like him which is why I pull back alot because I have been hurt before.


I know this is all kinda High School but when you like someone... isn't it always??? BTW... not in H.S. LOL... College Student. (If that helps).

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Hmm, its a 50/50 chance, but thats only cause you need to give more details/examples so that I can see if he does in fact like you as more then a friend...

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Human is complicated. Despite sometimes you like each other, doesn't mean you can be together. I have a friend like that (see my thread) for 4 years, i do have more feelings for him. Your friend could just be friendly. You'll need to find out. When i told my friend my feelings he was actually surprised. The thing is, shy or not, when a guy wants something, they will pursue it.

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hey girl,


judging by the way you structured this post, you've listed all the (obvious) signs why he DOES you like you...hoping to get some much-needed reassurance.


here's what i want to know...what are the reasons why you think he might NOT like you?


not trying to be cynical at ALL, just wondering.


if there are no "downsides" then i think he definitely likes you, and is probably just a little unsure of himself. help him out, and give him a little push. :)


otherwise, you might want to evaluate the negatives. he could like you, but maybe there's a reason why he hasnt asked you out yet?

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