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The dynamic has changed??

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Wicked Child

Ok, so I've been FB with this guy for a few months. A couple weeks ago, we had a little mishap and he bruised himself quite badly. (it's ok now!!) Since then, it seems as though things have gotten a little more personal and closer between us. It's not just dirty talk anymore, and he actually discussed a bit of his divorce situation with me last night...(that's always been a kinda don't ask don't tell thing...) The other day when he kissed me, he did that whole cup my face in his hand thing....and gave me the most passionate kiss yet. It totally had me up in the clouds the whole day. I've also come to find out that I seem to be the only one he's intimate with....which I did not expect at all...I realize that everyone is different, but at the same time, I really don't think that FB's warrant cutesy stuff like that...Your thoughts?

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If you don't mind me asking, what does a FB relationship mean to you? How did it happen and what are the rules you fallow? Why did a passionate kiss feel odd? Also why were you surprised that you are the only person he is with? Are with other guys?

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Wicked Child
If you don't mind me asking, what does a FB relationship mean to you? How did it happen and what are the rules you fallow? Why did a passionate kiss feel odd? Also why were you surprised that you are the only person he is with? Are with other guys?


Well, to me it means that I'm getting regular jollies with someone. It's great sex, by the way. I wouldn't expect either parties to be exclusive, either...Cos wouldn't that be dating then??? We don't really follow any rules, it's just something that happened one night out at the bar..and it just so happened that we keep hooking up. ( we work together once a week) And that kiss didn't feel odd...just unexpected I guess....I wouldn't expect anything to develop from this situation cos he's still not technically divorced, and he still lives with his wife..I seriously can't imagine coming out of a marriage and going into another relationship, cos he seems like a bit of a cassanova...By all technicalities, I'm a rebound. I'm not currently with anyone, however I did meet someone a few days ago that I'm interested in pursuing a relationship with, and I definitely have kept my mind open to things with others...

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Ah so the only difference between FWB and dating is exclusivity? I guess that is a rule.


So both of you were drunk and I assume he made a move and the rest is history. Do you think you wouldn't have hooked up if alcohol had not been involved?


If you were to pursue a relationship with somebody else would you drop the FB situation? How? And lol at him still being married. I'm not even going to go there.

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Wicked Child
Ah so the only difference between FWB and dating is exclusivity? I guess that is a rule.


So both of you were drunk and I assume he made a move and the rest is history. Do you think you wouldn't have hooked up if alcohol had not been involved?


If you were to pursue a relationship with somebody else would you drop the FB situation? How? And lol at him still being married. I'm not even going to go there.



Your assumption is correct...I think the hook up would have been inevitable either way...maybe it would have just taken longer...He claimed that he liked me ever since he met me, so....i just take that for what it is. a statement.


I would def drop the FB if I became exclusive with someone. How, I have no idea. I have made a couple statements about other guys around him, just to gauge his reaction..he didn't seem too thrilled...but it hasn't had any effect (that I can see) on things. On the other hand, I would totally date my FB, but it's never really seemed like that would happen...I kinda pushed that outta my head as soon as we hooked up...partly so as not to get my hopes up about something, but mostly because of the facts of the situation. once again, I am a technical rebound...and he is still technically married. (but at least I got to cross off "have sex at work","have an affair with a married man" and "hook up with a dilf" off my list of randy things to do before I die. lol)

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LOL he's a 3 for 1.


So it most likely would have happened either way. The alcohol was probably a little booster.


So you would date him but it doesn't seem that important to you. Yeah the marriage thing makes it complicated.


Do you have separate categories for guys you would only sleep with and guys you would date?


I can feel that this guy may get hurt when you decide to move on.

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Wicked Child

I don't really categorize...I was in a dead end rel from 2001-2007, slept around in the off periods...never really dated around or had a FB arrangement...I was a ONS type for awhile. So this whole sitch is new to me.


I don't even know how to approach the subject of "where is this going" so I don't. I don't assume anything and I don't expect anything. And if he really likes me, then I won't know until he shakes me and is liek "i really like you!!!"


I'm retarded when it comes to signals. and if he likes me, then he better damn well make a move before super hot musician guy does....

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As so you are the kind of woman who does what she wants. I like that ;)


I keep reading that women are very intuitive, can read men's minds and know what he is going to before he does. Guess that's not all true.

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