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First time poster... need some insight

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Damn, his housekeeper was male, Peter(still hot). I was thinking of "The Courtship of Eddie's Father", Mrs What'shername. Need to google that, as it will bother me.

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Mrs Livingston-Whew! Wonder if she was related to Stanley and Barry from "My Three Sons"? Let's play six degrees of Kevin Bacon.:bunny::bunny:

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I'll bet you that there are many women in their 40s and older that would find Tom Selleck attractive...


That moustache :eek: ! Mind you, you could always stick his head down the toilet - I'm sure it's an effective toilet brush :D So long as you don;t have to kiss him afterward... :sick:

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What's "some day?" Isn't this guy like close to 100 years old? Yuk.


Time to face REALITY. The old fool's going nowhere. He's NOT going to leave his marriage and start all over alone - on his own - to have to do his own laundry, clean his own house, buy his own groceries and cook all his meals, and wipe his own ass. Men are babies when it comes to needing someone to provide all this for them - that's why they rarely leave. He also isn't going to cut his assets in half at HIS age, either - he doesn't have 30 or 40 years to recoup his loses and rebuild his fortune.


You can continue providing free web-cam sex for the old fool, or tell him to go to a paid site where he can pay $2.99 a minute to watch "Bambi" get her freak on for him.


Where's your sense of pride and dignity? You actually moved 1,500 miles away from your home to be near this geriatric lying crud when he relocated? Was it your life plan to forever be his dirty little secret, living in the shadows, following him all over the country, and accepting the crumbs he's been tossing at your feet for 8+ years? Some women manage to turn tossed crumbs into a 7-course dinner - I'll never figure that one out.


It's not rocket science that you ADD an element of excitement and ego stroking to Father Time's life. Only an idiot wouldn't see that. That doesn't mean he's LEAVING and it doesn't mean you have a future with him. It means he's a selfish old pig who likes having a younger woman make him feel special while he CONTINUES TO STAY MARRIED TO HIS WIFE.


Seriously, Fairy. Aim higher, will you? Or at least start charging this creep for your web-cam sex shows. The whole thing is utterly pitiful.


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We cant all be like you. People are different and react differently. Also, many a time posters have later admitted that they may not have initially liked getting a tough response, but that later on they realized thats what they needed.


Why dont you carry on being Awesome and supportive, and let others be their own style and react in their own way? You can release yourself from the job of being the Protector of All and let the original poster benefit from many different people's reactions, not all the same as your kind and thoughtful reply... all posters comments can be valuable in their own way.

Besides - we have Moderators on these boards to do the job you are trying to do, except they are more experienced.



I am not trying to be a moderator. But there is a better way to tell someone they are in the wrong... than being RUDE!:rolleyes: But you know what... if it makes you feel better to be Rude to people... go right ahead!!! I can't stop you! But I CAN tell you how I feel about it!!! I guess that's the beauty of having your 'own style and reaction' to things. I can be rude too!


Also.... I don't recall havin this conversation with you!


I noticed that you can't be like me... which is why I am Awesome! :laugh:

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I am not trying to be a moderator. But there is a better way to tell someone they are in the wrong... than being RUDE!:rolleyes: But you know what... if it makes you feel better to be Rude to people... go right ahead!!! I can't stop you! But I CAN tell you how I feel about it!!! I guess that's the beauty of having your 'own style and reaction' to things. I can be rude too!


Also.... I don't recall havin this conversation with you!


I noticed that you can't be like me... which is why I am Awesome! :laugh:


You are right, you and I didn't have any problem. I was adding my perspective.

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