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what's going on????

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I have this guy friend and he's like asked me on dates and stuff and on a team bus (for sports) we always sit together. and he tries to find out where i'm ticklish (maybe it's an excuse to touch?) or he rests his hand on my leg for a little or sometimes we kinda hold hands for a couple seconds (before i pull away or something) and at the homecoming dance he wanted to dance with me every slow song and he held me really close and would run his hands up and down my back and he said he wanted to kiss me and almost did but he never did. and he's saying how he wants to take me to a field under the stars and just be together there n stuff. n he said he wants to kiss me n everything and he always tells me how beautiful i am and stuff and how sweet i am n then he said i was awesome...but the thing is, he said he doesn't want to date people. n he has a lot of girls that are friends and he teases them and stuff but he doesn't do the same stuff to them as he does to me. and he wants to hang out a lot and i dunno if he's just using me or what? cuz if i'm going to kiss someone (believe me i want to kiss him!) but i want it to be with someone who has at least some sort of committment. any advice on what to do?

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Sounds to me like you are quite young and believe what guys tell you.


Take a break from it! Get on with your life without spending so much time thinking about what would make someone else happy, and consider what you would want from this. It sounds as though this bloke wants to shag you and leave you with the mess to clear up....


Be careful, first impressions may be so very wrong, especially when you're young.


Do yourself a favour... begin to think how these physical encounters will affect you in the future... wouldn't it be far better to keep yourself for a person who loves you and wants to have a lifelong committment to you, and is prepared to wait for you???)


Just some thoughts!!

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Originally posted by i love ska

I have this guy friend and he's like asked me on dates and stuff and on a team bus (for sports) we always sit together...

WTF? Isn't there a minimum age limit to posting here?! :confused:

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