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Are you scared of love?


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When you have been done wrong by a past love (i.e. cheated on), how terrified does that make you of a new love/ relationship? Thanks...

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I was cheated on, lied to, made to feel inadequate, made to feel like dirt amongst other things. So, I'd say I'm terrified to be involved with another human being. I'm not ruling out letting myself fall in love again, but it will take a long time (and more therapy sessions) before I allow myself to be that vulnerable again.


I suppose I could get over things faster if I got into a rebound relationship, but having been used, I don't want to turn around and start becoming a user. That just isn't me.


I want the next guy I'm with to have all of me, all of my love. I don't want to punish him for what someone else did nor do I want to make unfair comparisons between him and the ex.


The experience hasn't soured my opinion on all of mankind, but it has made me more leery.

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for me, i don't wish to be in love ever again


4 yrs ago, i told a friend the hell i been through over my ex gf.


at this 4 yrs, this friend become my gf. now she is my ex.


i found out one things, love can turn into hatred and revenge

its very painful.

the promises that were made by her, were all lies. big fat lies!

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Well...I don't ever want to fall in love again, because I did the first time already, and it was a painful lesson. The remains of a broken heart left me feeling angry, pissed off, sad and full of resentment. The funny thing is, I still love him despite what he did to me, but I don't think I could ever talk to him nicely if I saw him again. I don't believe that I can truly love another person, as much as I love him.

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I started life on my own very early, had a bad marriage, and a bad relationship after that, and dated alot. There's not enough honesty in the world, so no, I won't get myself involved in another emotional relationship.

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