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interested in shy guy

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I met this guy that I really like through mutual friends. We hit it off and even went out once (he called and asked me out) and had a good time and then he didn's call again. Fine. But I keep seeing him, like every other weekend he always seems to be where I am. Or he comes with friends,(who know I'll be there). Then we saw eachother this weekend and hit it off again, and he ended coming back to my house. We messed around but stayed pretty innocent. Then next mornig he said "I'll call you soon." But I'm not holding my breath since he said before. So anyway, since then I've leaned that he's "painfully" shy and isn't good at social situations, esp with women. Should I just be patient and see what happens? Or should I be the agressor and tall him I'd really like to go out? COuld he really like me and not know what to do or is scared? Or is he just not interested in "dating" just hooking up? Everyone who knows him says he's a good guy not a dog, just very shy.

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You should ask him out. His freinds could be saying that to get him a girl or so on. But he sounds like a nice guy and you should go for it. I get nervous when i talk to girlz and also i am very shy. Shy guys are usually nice and decent. But they are not dogz

I met this guy that I really like through mutual friends. We hit it off and even went out once (he called and asked me out) and had a good time and then he didn's call again. Fine. But I keep seeing him, like every other weekend he always seems to be where I am. Or he comes with friends,(who know I'll be there). Then we saw eachother this weekend and hit it off again, and he ended coming back to my house. We messed around but stayed pretty innocent. Then next mornig he said "I'll call you soon." But I'm not holding my breath since he said before. So anyway, since then I've leaned that he's "painfully" shy and isn't good at social situations, esp with women. Should I just be patient and see what happens? Or should I be the agressor and tall him I'd really like to go out? COuld he really like me and not know what to do or is scared? Or is he just not interested in "dating" just hooking up? Everyone who knows him says he's a good guy not a dog, just very shy.
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pat garret

hey don't be too aggressive but let him know how you feel... keep it simple..

I met this guy that I really like through mutual friends. We hit it off and even went out once (he called and asked me out) and had a good time and then he didn's call again. Fine. But I keep seeing him, like every other weekend he always seems to be where I am. Or he comes with friends,(who know I'll be there). Then we saw eachother this weekend and hit it off again, and he ended coming back to my house. We messed around but stayed pretty innocent. Then next mornig he said "I'll call you soon." But I'm not holding my breath since he said before. So anyway, since then I've leaned that he's "painfully" shy and isn't good at social situations, esp with women. Should I just be patient and see what happens? Or should I be the agressor and tall him I'd really like to go out? COuld he really like me and not know what to do or is scared? Or is he just not interested in "dating" just hooking up? Everyone who knows him says he's a good guy not a dog, just very shy.
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I hope you dont let a guys shyness stand in the way, give him time and do what you can to make him feel relaxed when he's in your company(and it sounds as if your already pretty good at doing this) eventually he will open up. And you'll probally find it was worth your time, because most shyer guys tend to be pretty down to earth and sincere people who who have alot of depth on the inside they just have trouble showing it on the outside. I speak from experience, because I too am one of those shy guys.


Good luck!

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