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I met this guy online. Hes 17 and lives in Florida. Im 18 and live in UK.

We are talking about marriage and children and we are really serious about each other. I will be buying a house and He is going to try and come here in December on a 6 months visitor visa and we plan on trying for a baby. ( He will be nearly 18 by then). We will also be engaged.

Would he be able to apply for a Fiance visa after his visitor visa expires?

If so, when we get married on the fiance visa can we live together in UK?

He will be 18 when we decide to marry.

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Umm...exactly how long have you known this guy? And I'm assuming you've never seen him before? Correct me if I'm wrong here, please, because this just sounds seriously whacked up.

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Island Girl



Hold on there.


Have you met in person?


How long has this been going on?

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It would be hypocritical of me if I told you that it was a crazy idea but....My fiance and I met online and he moved here for six months to live with me (three months after we met) Crazy I Know. It was the best time of my life. Not saying it was just easy sailing the whole time.


What I will say though is put a pause on the baby thing. What if you did get pregnant and things didn't work out after the six months? He wouldn't even be a citizen of you country. You are young. Wait a while. Try it out to see if it works and then after you are married then you can start thinking about kids.

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The baby thing is what I'm concerned about. Especially if they haven't met before. It would be wrong to bring a little life into this world when these two people aren't sure they'll be compatible in person. Plus, it's not going to help you on your visa at all, if that's the reason why you're doing it. There is more involved than just that.


Besides, can you financially support a baby and this barely 18 year old boy when he comes to your country? Because immigration is going to look at that as well before they will grant you anything. I know here in the states you have to provide 2 or 3 years of proof of income that shows you make 125%(or 150, I can't remember. Uh oh) of the poverty level unless you want someone else to support him. Would your family or friends be comfortable with doing that for you in the event that you can't?


I think you need to see each other, spend the 6 months together if you want, but DO NOT try for a baby. You're not ready. You're too young to be ready to jump hurdles like that. I'm only 20 years old(about to be 21), I make great money, my fiance is going to be able to support me to the extent that I would never have to work a day in my life if I didn't want to, and I'M afraid to bring a baby into this world.


Wait until you're a little older. Please.

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Sorry this is so messed up on so many levels IMO.


1) you haven't met in real life, talking online or on the phone is totally different to real life and how will you know if you like each other or feel chemistry


2) your age do you think planning a baby, let alone planning a baby with someone you have never met and also will not have a job is a responsible thing to do? Who will provide for the baby? I don't believe you have thought that though. Would you be happy living off the state and being a ponse of the state?


3) how do you know this person isn't just stringing you a line? messing with your head just for games, you haven't been able to look them in the eye to gauge them or their true feelings (although I accept this never is a total guarantee)


4) how did you "meet" someone from Florida online? and get to talking about all this serious stuff?

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I understand young love. You two seem to share some sort of bond, albeit, in its infancy.


But, to be talking about marriage and children is ludicrous!


You seem like a smart young woman, dont rush into anything like that, especially in regards to bringing another life into this world! That is just plain selfish.


I think you guys need to try just being together before you make a lifetime commitment.

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