hollisterbaby Posted March 13, 2009 Share Posted March 13, 2009 Ive been with my bf 4 three years and for the last few weeks he wont leave his friends' house. he spends all of his time with him and i have to beg him to leave there and spend time with me.even when we do hang out he still always mentions his friend.he did the same thing around this time last year with another friend.am i being to needy or is there something else here. please i need everyone's comments Link to post Share on other sites
barbiegirltc Posted March 13, 2009 Share Posted March 13, 2009 has this happen before? i mean some guys like to spend time with their friends and "talk" about things in life. If he has been doing this before, then i don't think you should be worried. I think you should let him be free... let him go out with his friends and stuff. He will come back to you. If you keep pulling him back, he might try to escape from you or feel like running away. Link to post Share on other sites
Beautiful Inside Posted March 13, 2009 Share Posted March 13, 2009 yah i think all guys are different i think they all deff need their guy time or space you know....they need to be around their male friends once in a while i dont know how id feel about all the time though unless does he include or ask you to hang with all of them as well? Link to post Share on other sites
Author hollisterbaby Posted March 13, 2009 Author Share Posted March 13, 2009 yeah it happened b4,but the friend was an ahole and made up lies about both of us and would go back and forth with the lies and say them to us. plus his friend said tried hitting on me. this friend is a nice guy but he cheats on his girlfriend. should i b worried that me bf will do this. he says he will never cheat though. Link to post Share on other sites
Beautiful Inside Posted March 13, 2009 Share Posted March 13, 2009 omg all my bf's friends have gf's baby's mammas and they always r cheating on them and i always tell my bf man that sux i feel bad for their actually s/o's you know but i think you have to know deep down if your s/o is cheating on you somewhat know right?.... my bf and i have always been really opened with eachother like how we hate cheaters and we both agree that its eachothers reponsibilty to make our partners feel loved and know that we'd neever cheat on one another....its all on how your s/o treats you and stuff cause if your s/o is giving you bad vibes to where it make syou be suspicious its like why wouldnt you want me to feel secure with you as my bf you know?....i always go out of my way to let my bf know that id never ever do him wrong he he always makes me feel the same. even though all his friends arent the best examples/role models for him i still trust him even being around them cus i really dont think he'd cheat on me....and if he dicided one day to cheat then he really never loved me....you cant really really sincerly love somone and hook up with somone else cus when you deeply care and love somone unconditionally there isnt one guy that i think is cutter then my bf i dont even check guys out cus im so inlove with him. Link to post Share on other sites
rlindzie Posted March 13, 2009 Share Posted March 13, 2009 i agree with beautiful inside. and a question for BI [sorry i know it is off topic] i am the same i dont check other guys out bc i love my bf so much, but does your bf check other girls out? r we diffrent from them that way? like i dont think mine checks other girls out but he called an actress hot, is that the same? again sorry for being off topic , i think that bc he has done it b4 you have nothing to worry about, he prob just need to re connect with his friends. Link to post Share on other sites
collegekid491 Posted March 13, 2009 Share Posted March 13, 2009 He just needs some 'male bonding' time, where we can do all the stuff we can't do around you chicks like fart, watch dumb funny stuff, bribe a friend to run naked down the street. You know, the good stuff lol. Its just friend time, it seems obvious he doesn't have many friends apart from you, so just let him have it. Eventually the 'new friend' feeling wears off and he will spend less time with him. Link to post Share on other sites
St. Nick Posted March 13, 2009 Share Posted March 13, 2009 I think it's more than he just wants guy time. He may be losing interest in you. What new things have you two tried together? When was the last time you and your boyfriend truly spent some hardcore time together? Link to post Share on other sites
carhill Posted March 13, 2009 Share Posted March 13, 2009 Same time last year? Probably spring rutting. How's the sex? Link to post Share on other sites
samiam143 Posted March 13, 2009 Share Posted March 13, 2009 He just wants guy time. My guy is the same. I get jealous too sometimes but nagging only makes him do it even more. So be supportive and he'll give you your time. PS I just read the book "Act Like a Lady, Think like a Man" by Steve Harvey. It's def a must read! Link to post Share on other sites
carhill Posted March 13, 2009 Share Posted March 13, 2009 for the last few weeks he wont leave his friends' house. he spends all of his time with him That's not normal male behavior. Link to post Share on other sites
samiam143 Posted March 13, 2009 Share Posted March 13, 2009 If they are actually inseperable and you aren't overexxagerating then there could be something going on... But sometimes guys just need their guy time especially if they normally spend all of their time with their lady Link to post Share on other sites
Author hollisterbaby Posted March 15, 2009 Author Share Posted March 15, 2009 Same time last year? Probably spring rutting. How's the sex? we actually have a great sex life and when we are 2gether hangin out everything is fine,we may have a disagreement and argue 4 a few mins but other than that everything will b fine Link to post Share on other sites
missdependant Posted March 15, 2009 Share Posted March 15, 2009 Your boyfriend sound like a jerkoff.. based on the strip club thread. Link to post Share on other sites
Infinity88 Posted March 16, 2009 Share Posted March 16, 2009 You sure he's not gay? Link to post Share on other sites
Author hollisterbaby Posted March 16, 2009 Author Share Posted March 16, 2009 my cousin asked me the same thing or is he bi.thats such a good question ive never really gave it any thought. my point is when he is with his friend he either has an attitude or doesnt answer the phone. i dont know what to do. he says im selfish 4 wanting to hang wit me so much.but when he spends 4-5 days wih his friend and only 2-3 with me in a week.what should i take that as,please i need everyone's advice.could the gay theory be true,but our sex is great.what am i not seeing??? Link to post Share on other sites
Lucky_One Posted March 16, 2009 Share Posted March 16, 2009 MY BF and I spend a lot of time together, and we also spend a lot of time with each other's friends. Why don't you suggest that the three of you do some things together? Link to post Share on other sites
Author hollisterbaby Posted March 16, 2009 Author Share Posted March 16, 2009 we actually went downtown(Chicago)last weekend with his friends girlfriend and it was an awesome night.he was lovey dovey and paid 4 everything.he spend over 100 dollars.i offered to pay 4 dinner but he didnt want me too.other than that he really doesnt want me around his friends all the time.he just wants to hang with him alone.or if this female coworker is with them hangin out its ok. but nuttin is goin on wit him and that girl.she is into his friend,plus she has a bf too. Link to post Share on other sites
carhill Posted March 16, 2009 Share Posted March 16, 2009 OP, how old are you and your BF? How is the intimacy besides the sexual part? I will likely be telling you that this is normal for young people Link to post Share on other sites
Author hollisterbaby Posted March 16, 2009 Author Share Posted March 16, 2009 im 19 and he is 20.the sex is great and he comes to me with problems and such,as i do with him.one thing that he does ever since we started dating is coming to me befroe he makes a big financial purchase.as far as time that i get to see him.he acts like his friend is his gf not me. but when he's with me,we laugh,he calls me baby,he just recently started running his finger through my hair.he's says that im selfish 4 getting upset when he's always with his friend.i dont c it as selfish,simply that i want to see my bf more than twice a week.especially when his friend gets 5 plus days. Link to post Share on other sites
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