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my gf's checking on her ex, why?

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Ok, my new girlfriend moved in with me lately right after breaking up her 4 1/2 years relationship. According to her, the ex treated her badly etc.


Everyday, she assures me that she's got absolutely no feelings for him.


However, a couple of days ago, I heard her calling a friend of her ex’s and asking him about her ex, how he was doing, if he ever talked about her, if he met his new girl, etc. I wonder was she just curious to know or she’s not over him yet? I mean, what do you think (especially woman). How much time do you need to get over a 4 years relationship?

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For those who aren't familiar with your original post, the run-down is:


-you're a 35 yr old doctor and this 25 yr old girl had been a patient of yours and you knew from the start that she had a boyfriend

-you had the hots for her (your patient) and you tried to get her attention by bragging about your money, hot car, fancy home, etc

-it worked, she took the bait (imagine that)

-she lied to you from the start and didn't admit that she'd been living with the guy for 4 yrs and even though you found this out, you still pursued her

-she whined and cried about how badly he'd treated her, you believed her, and you asked her (a virtual stranger) to move into your home after 10 days of seeing her.

-after 10 days, she tells you that you are her SOUL MATE, and you claim to LOVE HER.


It's pretty clear she's not at all over her ex. If you were really her soul mate, she wouldn't care less about what her ex is doing or if he's asking about her, or if he's seeing someone. You've been rooked and are being used but you still can't see that.

She's got a great gig going on.....and you're being played for a chump.


Have some pride, man.

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Man you are being played the fool according to the above previous post of yours. Dump her sorry ass ASAP and find a nurse! :rolleyes:

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i think she has every right to know how hes doing. there just has to be a line drawn and not crossed. but i wisll ask why in the heck you moved in with a new girl, what are you thinking..?

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Shes not over him so you should kick her to the curb.She has no business finding out how hes doing.Isn't that the reason people break up?

So be a proffesional about it ,in the first place you shouldn't have been with her.

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