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different energy levels?

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I have been unhappy for the past 3 weeks. I am in a paradoxal situation. I know I have already posted about my relationship many times and I know that I am really annoying people on this board by this time...


But here's what I don't understand, how can I love so much a person, because I really love him because of his sensibility and intellect, yet be so much miserable in this relationship sometimes?


He's nice, sweet, cuddling, very intelligent person and we have a great intellectual connection. I love him after all these years. Yet I am so unhappy because we hardly ever make love and if it happens once a month it's already a lot... I love going out doing sports and he loves staying in bed most of the time. I love movies, theature, museums, visiting new cities and he's just so different from me. He loves reading about culture but not seeing it. When I insist, he comes along with me but I do know that after a short while he gets annoyed...


We've been together for 8 years, living together. Now I am 33, soon to be 34, and my biological clock is ticking... But as much as I love him, I can't envision myself having children with him. Is there something wrong with me or we're just too different? I have tried talking about this many times. We even had a talk about this morning... As much as he listens to me and hugs me there's nothing he can do about all this. we are just different in our "physical" needs.


so, do you all really see only one outcome for this relationship? that we both need to part and go our own ways? It hurts profoundly to even think about this. But it hurts profoundly to live like this giving up on many things that I love and like... thanks again

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I think you just described my marriage, I love him very much but I too have often wondered if I belonged to someone else. Our outlooks of life and the way we deal with things are so different.


Here's the deal... my situation is a little more complicated than yours. We are actually the same age but we have been married for 10yrs. this upcoming August. I was willing to compromise a little of myself to make it work and now I am so confused and often feel sad and alone, and to complicate it even more , we have a little girl now, she will be four years old soon. I often feel unhappy, not with my little girl but with him, and I wonder if he will ever fill that void I constantly feel inside.


You're not married, I say for you to speak with him sincerely and honestly and tell him that you don't want to be me...That married girl later with a child always wondering if you let the chance for true love go by... that's all I have to say.


I'm so sorry you are going through this now but I think in your heart you already know what you must do.

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