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Scared of my feelings and dating

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I've had this friend for a long time and last year he asked me out. I'd always been quite attracted to him and all my friends had fancied him. but i told him i just wanted to be friends.

He asked me if we might ever go out and i said i didn't know


About 6 months later he asked me out and i said yes cos i did really like him. it had only been a couple of days and i said i couldnt date him and that i was really screwed up right now which iwas. I'd been feelin really depressed cos of what was going on at home.


You might think that i acted odd towards him but the truth is i've never spoke openly about my feelings. At home my familly trys to avoid the truth and how we feel. I cant physically talk about how i feel, (like when girls at school talk about guys they like i never say cos im afraid of them knowing how i feel about someone)


so when i satrted going out with this guy it only took me a day and i got really freaked out by it. he told me he loved me and that was it i didnt know how to react.


Now me and him are friends but i still like him but Im not really into dating, i know he wouldn't be into just keeping our relationship between the two of us for a while, he would want us to be really open about our relationship but i'm really not into pda it completely freaks me out. i dont want him to date anyone else but i dont want to date and theres is no way i'm gonna talk about my feelings its impossible for me.



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If you refuse to talk about your feelings, then there is nothing anyone can do to help you. Seek professional help for this. You have to open up, if you keep avoiding the truth then you are in for one agonizing life.

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