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How do I start this relationship?

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I'm a college student, and there is a girl that I really like and I want to start dating her but I kind of feel stuck. I did not have any lasting relationships through High School so I'm still kind of inexperienced at dating and knowing that only makes starting more difficult. I don't have a car so anything to do off campus is kind of out of the question. The only thing I can think of is asking her to go see a student production of some play since she is into theater. What I want to know is, since we are already pretty good friends, is it unusual to start a relationship without actually going on a date? We talk a lot and I see her everyday as we live on the same dormitory floor. So should I take her out somewhere and then try to become boyfriend/girlfriend or just skip the first date step since we already know each other? Any suggestions are welcome.

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heres what you need to do... Be yourself! The version of yourself that is confident, obviously you have to get her out and alone if you want the best sucsess rate for a romantic kiss. Look next time your alone with her just kiss her on the lips and make no apologies

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