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The annoying truth

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Dunno. Once I find out someone isn't into me, I cease to be into them.

Same here... life is too short to waste time! I've done it before, but never again.

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Gosh its so annoying


and it makes it worse if u spent forver liking them, then u finally once and for all get over them and then they like u




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paddington bear

Here's a couple of theories:


1) You subconsciously or unconsciously (never know the difference between the two) don't really want to be in a relationship, maybe you've been hurt in the past, maybe you as a child saw your parents relationship and didn't want the same, whatever. So while consciously you say 'I really want to meet someone and get together with them' the part of your brain that you're not aware of is scuppering your plans and you are without realising it focusing your desires on those people who are unavailable and have ignored the warning signals that they are not available or are not attracted to you in 'that way'.


2) I've noticed people in couples blossom, they are more confident because they have someone, they have nothing to lose, they look better, dress better, are happier, more secure. Therefore when these people flirt with you, they have nothing to lose, they have that air of confidence about them that us poor singles don't. Likewise those who are sure that they don't want you are flattered maybe to have people they aren't attracted to fluttering around them. We are afraid to flirt or go after someone or are afraid of coming across as too needy etc etc, we have more to lose as we don't have that other half to go back to or if the other person doesn't return our feelings so therefore we don't present ourselves in the best way.

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