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He's jealous of any guy i'm around, believes gossip, it makes me sad

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I am having problems with my boyfriend. We have been together for 2 months. I have never cheated on any of my boyfriends but have been cheat on many times and he has also been burned. He's really protective of me and thinks all guys want me (it's very flattering!).


Lately he has been very insecure. I am good friends with his best girl friend and she says he's been hearing a lot of gossip about me and she says they talk about me because I am beautiful and they are jealous. I have a lot of guy friends but I have not and will not ever even think about touching them. I don't even hug other guys when I am in a relationship. I just find that girls are not generally very good, honest friends and they talk about me behind my back because they are jealous.


Last night we were at a party and he was really drunk. He was acting very snakey towards me and I was just kidding around and teasing him and he slapped me. He didn't slap me hard, it was obviously a play tap but it shocked me and brought back a bad memory when an ex had slapped me, causing me to black out. I ran outside and started to cry.


He came out to the car as I was about to drive away and said we had to talk. He got in the car and started complaining about how when he doesn't see me he feels guilty, and I have too many guy friends he doesn't know, as if to say that if he disappointed me he thought I would cheat on him. Then he said I was all over someone at the party because I was sitting next to them on the couch. I was still in shock about being slapped, and this just added to it and I started sobbing. He immediately apologized but I drove home and cried myself to sleep.


It feels like he doesn't care about me enough to do things that are important to me, like when I make him a dinner or I want to go on a trip, but he does care about me enough to not want other guys to "steal" me. He shows that he cares often! He drives a half hour to see me every night. It's confusing to me.


People gossip about me constantly, and none of it's ever true. I don't get it.

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Just have a talk about it when you're both sober, unlike me... I waited & lost him. See I am a very touchy person & I would run up & hug my guys firends, talk to them , & even dance with them. Little did I know it was driving him away, thinking I was going to cheat. So before you decide to stay or leave, just make sure everything is out in the open...

And if you didn't discuss the slap, do it. If they hit you once, they'll do it again! Even if they were drunk... Also, bring up any other things that are bothering you.

Good luck, sweetie!!!

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Well I talked to him and asked him...with all of his complaints...did he REALLY want to be with me. Well he called me the next day and said he thought about it and he really didn't want this serious of a relationship...i basically talked him into breaking up with me. It sucks because we were friends for a really long time but I always wanted to get together with him but now I don't want to be around him to see him with other girls..we finally got together but I guess it wasn't what HE wanted.

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