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self hatred and obsession

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im 17 yrs old in high school and iv never had a gf.i suffer from depression and social anxiety.i have only a few friends. i havent ever even been on a date because i have no self esteem and i hate myself. i cant talk to girls i like without my face turnin red it really bugs me caus i cant talk to any girl i like and they always say nice guys finish last and girls dont like wimpy guys. i also work out 2hours a day because i hate the way i look and i know girls think im awkward looking and ugly. i cant picture me being with a girl ever and im 100% sure il be the real 40 yr old virgin cause i get anxiety attacks around girls i think are hot.now im obsessing over getting a girl. please pray for me and give me advice

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It's not uncommon for people to go into their early to mid 20s without having a girlfriend/boyfriend. Personally, I've never had anything serious (I'm 22 now) but I really only started dating recently. I just didn't feel comfortable enough with myself that I could have a stable relationship, and you know what? Sometimes I feel I've missed out on good times, but I've also missed out on a lot of teen angst and immature games that people your age play.


This gets stated in every single one of these woe is me threads: It will happen for you eventually. You are young and there's nothing wrong with you.

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Hello Bigo I know exactly what you're feeling. At that age I too was having the same problems with talking to girls, especially the hot ones. My advice is to tough it out, something will happen eventually.


Please work on your self-esteem issues, whatever it takes. Not only is this in your best interest, but others will pick up on low self-esteem, and girls likely won't find it attractive.

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If it makes you feel any better i am 20 and have only been on maybe 2 dates and never been in a relationships what so ever. I am not good with girls at all. I suck but you know what, i am not going to let that get me down. I am going to live my life and have fun and hopefully i will find someone while doing so.

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I'd like to reassure you, but I was you at 17 and now I'm me at 27 -- someone who has never so much as held a girl's hand. At least I don't blush anymore though, so there's something to look forward to, perhaps.


On the other hand, it sounds like your psychological conditions have been diagnosed, and I assume that you're receiving treatment? At your age, there is a good chance that your symptoms will go into long-term remission and that you can alter your life-course significantly as your confidence levels rise. Confidence and maturity will likely see a reduction in the awkwardness that is a common feature for so many adolescents, as well. Not only that, if you're not like me, and your "standards" aren't ludicrously high, then you probably won't have much trouble finding someone at all, so keep pursuing treatment and get plenty of social interaction and exercise and you will greatly improve your odds. Whatever you do, don't listen to the folks who believe that everyone is destined to find someone, and that something will "just happen"; if you don't "seize the day", so to speak, then there's a good chance that something won't happen.

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