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I have a situation that i am confused about. I met this wonderful person on the internet back in Oct 2008. We really hit it off, talked on the phone everyday, emailed everyday, texted all day long. Everything was great. Only thing was they were from Atlanta and Im from Atlanta to, but currently is attending school in Colorado, so we have a long distance relationship going on. Well, with this being the internet, somebody has stolen some of my pictures off of my website (mainly myspace) and changed my information up a little bit. Before it wasnt a big issue between us, because i have sent pictures of myself in the mail, from my phone to thier phone etc.. I have also explained the situation with people using my pictures as thier own, so it wasnt like i suprised them. Well now this has become a big issue between us. They dont think i am who i say i am. So now we are at this point in our relationship, they dont believe anything i say and its gotten to the point of they have giving me a deadline to when they want to see me and if it doesnt happen during that time, then im lying and im not who i say i am. Im a single parent and cant just go on vacation when i want to. I told them i am moving back atlanta and they can see all they want. I dont want to lose this person, we were so good at first everything was so right. We were like bestfriends, and now we barely talk. They think im lying, they hardly believe anything i say.. and i dont know what to do???


Any Advice?? Please

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Island Girl
Simple solution: Get a webcam ! :)


I was going to say this! Ha!


This is really a simple solution and inexpensive.


Really. You shouldn't even be freaking out.


This is so EASY to clarify - so if this is your only problem - you are in the clear.

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Newegg.com has webcams as cheap as $16.99 (though that one only got 2 "eggs" - there is a $20 one that had better ratings).


Cheap and easy and solves your problem.

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